King of England after Oliver Cromwell from 1660 until his death in 1685 who is young, charismatic, popular, and doesn’t seek revenge against the people who signed the paper to kill his father.
Charles II
the Sun King who built the Palace of Versailles, and became the longest reigning monarch of France ruling from 1643 to 1715.
Louis XIV
King of Spain from 1556 to 1598, who was married to Bloody Mary and developed the Spanish Armada to try and overthrow Queen Elizabeth to reestablish Catholicism in England.
Phillip II
queen of England from 1558 to 1603 who doesn’t marry and victorious in the Spanish Armada.
Elizabeth I
happens when Charles I wants to go to war against Scotland and war costs money so he has to call Parliament in 1640.
Long Parliament
Why did the Glorious Revolution get its name?
there was no bloodshed
inherits the Spanish throne and the Holy Roman Empire but eventually steps down enters a monastery.
Charles V
lead the New Model Army against the Cavaliers in the English Civil War and established the Commonwealth of England.
Oliver Cromwell
inherits the French throne and rules from 1589 to 1610. He converts to Catholicism and issues Edict of Nantes, giving religious freedom to Huguenots.
King Henry IV
ruling king of Scotland who inherits the throne in England when childless Elizabeth I dies. He rules from 1603 to 1625 and is not popular with English people or Parliament.
James I
ruler with complete authority over the government and the lives of the people.
Absolute Monarch
When you hear the word Prussia, what should you think of?
inherits the Hapsburg Austrian throne which led Frederick II to invade a Habsburg province, beginning the War of the Austrian Succession.
Maria Theresa
dethrone the Unpopular James II, sign the English Bill of Rights and become reigning limited monarchs.
William & Mary
plans and executes the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre where thousands of Huguenots are killed in France.
Catherine De Medici
first monarch to be tried and executed by his own people in British history
Charles I
right to rule came directly from God.
Divine Right
was supporters of Parliament made up of countrymen, manufacturers, and Puritan clergy led by Oliver Cromwell.
ruled Russia from 1682 until his death in 1725 and expands territory and brings new technology, customs, and traditions to the Empire.
Peter the Great
Brother of Charles V whom he inherited the empire from and ruled the Holy Roman Empire from 1556 to 1564.
daughter of Catherine de Medici who married Henry, King of Navarre.
Margaret of Valois
ruler of Russia who reorganized provincial government, gained the Black Sea port, and portioned part of Poland to expand Russian territory.
Catherine the Great
_______________________ was the name for the English republic led by Oliver Cromwell.
What peace treaty ended the 30 years’ war?
Treaty of Westphalia
inherited throne of Spain, sparking the War of the Spanish Succession (1700-1713).
Phillip V
ruler of Prussia from 1713 to 1740 who inherits power, bribes Junkers with army and government positions and grew a well-trained army.
Frederick William I
Charles’s brother inherits the throne in 1685 and rules until 1688. He is unpopular, openly Catholic, and practices absolute authority.
James II
comes to power and is a groomed military man who ruled Prussia from 1740 until his death in 1786, whom seizes the region of Silesia to start the War of Austrian Succession.
Frederick II
were a group of French Protestants who fled France but when many came back for Margaret of Valois wedding.
Who won the seven years war? What was the Peace Treaty that ended the war?
Great Britain. Treaty of Paris