Gravity and Motion.
Newton's Laws Of Motion.
Vertical Motion.
Mass and Inertia.
☼v=g x t
What is the equation to find the change in Velocity?
whenever one object exerts a force on a sencond object, the sencond object exerts an equal and oposite force on the first.
what is newtons third law of motion?
a quanity defined as the product of the mass and velocity of an object.
What is momentum?
it is a force pair.
What is the force of gravity between earth and a falling object?
a softball because its mass is smaller which mean sit inertia is smaller so it would be easier to hit it.
would it be easier to hit a bowling ball with a bat? or a softball with a bat?
Acceleration is the rate at which the velocity changes over time. and speed is when the distance traveled is divided by the interval during when the motion accured.
What is the difference of acceleration and speed?
a=f/m or f= m * a
What is the equation to find the relationship of acceleration to mass and force?
p= m*v
how can you caculate momentum?
because the gravity and the centripetal force keep it in orbit.
how does the moon stay in orbit around the earth?
the collision after the collision.
What is the momentum before the collision equal too?
It is the constant velocity of a falling object when the force of air resistance is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force of gravity.
What is terminal velocity?
the acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the amountof force applied.
What is newtons sencond law of motion?
it states that when objects collide the total amount of momentum stays the same.
What is the law of censervation of momentum?
because when the bus stops moving there is no unbalenced force to act on your body, so your body keeps moving forward.
When you ride a bus, why do you fall forward when the bus stops moving?
the ball's horizontal velocity stays constand.
What happens after the ball leaves the pitchers hand?
the motion of a body when only the force of gravity is acting on the body.
What is free fall?
the tendency of an object to resist being moved or, if the object is moving, to resist a change in speed or direction until an outside force acts on the object.
What is inertia?
when two objects collide, some or all of the momentum of each object can be transferred to the other object.
What can happen to momentum when two objects collide?
its when gravity provides a centripetal force that keeps an object in orbit.
What does the word centripetal mean?
the reaction force is the water pushing on the hands. as the swimmer is moving forwared.
What is the reaction force when someone is swimming in a pool?
It is the curved path that an object follows when thrown, launched, or otherwise projected near the surface of earth.
What is projectile motion?
It is an object at rest will stay at rest until a unblanced force is acted on it.
What is newtons first law?
the reaction to the collision could be a action force or a reaction force.
What are two ways that objects may interact after a collision?
vertical motion is when the gravity puls the ball down to earth, so the gravity gives the projectile motion its vertical motion.
What gives an object in projectile motion its vertical motion?
when the objects force decreases the force becomes softer and doesn't go as far as it would it your gave it a bigger push.
What is the relationship between the force on an object and the object's acceleration?