What is focus and control?
Before a child can acquire new information, they must be able to focus on a topic by ignoring distractions and controlling impulsiveness.
Grouping begins with what?
How children are placed in classrooms.
Level 1 is?
What is theme?
A central topic or theme selected by the teacher.
Early childhood specialists agree that _____?
Play has a major role in learning and development.
What is perceptive taking?
Being able to understand others intentions, as well as their unique points of view.
What is same-age grouping?
When children of the same age are placed together.
Level 2 is?
Teachers pick themes they will believe _____?
Will entice children.
Classroom teachers should ______?
Facilitate play, to help bring it about without conrolling it.
What is communication?
Being able to adjust conversation and communication based on others perception.
what is developmental grouping?
Group based on developmental abilities.
Level 3 is?
Many curriculums areas are included to _____?
Show children how knowledge overlays real life.
What does making connections mean?
Understanding how things relate to each other.
What is mixed age grouping?
A certain age range placed in a classroom.
Level 4 is?
Themes are usally ______?
Broad topics, rather than specific topics.
What is Critical thinking?
When children observe and then analyze information.
Often early childhood teachers will _______?
Divide the class into smaller groups for specific actions.
Level 5 is?
If a field trip is included, it is usally ________?
The final step in the theme approach.