What is it called for someone who consistently has a positive attribute
What is Dependability
What are some opportunities greenhouses provide for FFA members?
What is SAE
What should you avoid to present yourself from falls
What is wet areas
Why is cooperation important with co-workers
What is being happier
Why is it important to have better attitude
What is to be more successful
What is it called for someone who is trustworthy, and doesn't lie
What is Honesty
What is one type of SAE project?
What is placement/ownership/exploratory/research and experimental
What can poor electoral wiring cause
what are fires
What is a good way to understand co-workers
What is talking to them
Why is dependability a trait respected by employers?
What is to be able to be counted on
What is it called for someone who refrains from being critical of the company or workplace they may work for
What is Loyalty
Who provides SAE supervision?
Who is the Ag instructor/parent or guardian/employer
What can you read to follow instructions on how to be safe with chemicals.
What is a chemical label
What is the best way to increase productivity?
What is when employees get along
Why is honesty a valued trait among employers?
What is to be trusted to do your job right
What is it called when you show you are able to work with other people on things
What is Cooperation
Is it common for students to start a _____ SAE
What is easy
What should you always wear in order to be protected
What is safety gear
What is a good way to understand each other's beliefs and attitudes.
What is talking to each other
Why is loyalty a good trait to have?
What is to be able to speak positively about your company
What is it called when someone shows interest in the work they are doing
What is Enthusiasm
What is the largest organization student organization that also provides SAE opportunities.
What is the FFA
What can lead to very harsh injuries if safety precautions aren't followed
What is power equipment
Why is it important to set aside your differences with your co-workers?
What is to have good relationships
Why is motivation a good trait to have in the workplace?