The Decline of Grammar
Speech on Child Labor
Speech to the Troops at Tilbury
2016 Concession Speech

Who wrote Modern English Usage?

Henry Watson Fowler


What rhetorical device does the author use in the article? 

pathos, describing the suffering of children working in mills/factories to evoke sympathy 


Prose (n.)

"Is the English language — or to put it less apocalyptically, English prose writing — really in a bad way?"

the ordinary language people use in speaking or writing


The type of Rhetoric Queen Elizabeth uses in her speech

Pathos/ Ethos 


Purpose of the speech?

Express gratitude towards her supporters and to look forward


What is a Grammarian?

A person who studies and writes about grammar


How does the author compare different states' child labor laws? 

contrasts Southern states (Alabama), which have some restrictions, with Northern states (New Jersey), which allow children to work all night 

Secular (adj.)

"In their essays and in the great grammars and dictionaries, we find the most direct secular continuation of the homiletic tradition, reflecting the conviction that the mastery of polite prose is a moral accomplishment, to which we will be moved by appeals to our highest instincts."

not overtly or specifically religious


Queen Elizabeth uses words like "royal we" to emphasize what?

She emphasizes herself as someone who embodies the entire nation which helps create a sense of common purpose. 


What rhetoric does this speech primarily use? 



Who does the author compare English scholars to?



What tone does the author use throughout the passage? 

urgent and impassioned to push the reader to feel empathy and sense of injustice 


Compunction (n.)

"It may be that my children will use gift and impact as verbs without the slightest compunction"

anxiety arising from awareness of guilt

How does the Queen use tone in her speech?

She uses it through her choice of language to emphasize that she would offer her life to her kingdom. 


How does Hillary express her gratitude towards her supporters? 

Thanks her supporters for giving her the opportunity to be in the election. 


Who is Henry James? (use context clues)

An author


Why does the author connect child labor to women's suffrage? 

argues that if women had the right to vote, they would be able to pass laws protecting children from labor exploitation 


Sanguine (adj.)

"Yet it is hard to take comfort in the scholars’ sanguine detachment."

marked by eager hopefulness : confidently optimistic


What mood is created by her speech?

She creates the mood of determination and motivation for the troops to go into battle.


Why does Hillary quote the Bible for? 

She quotes the Bible to show that she is credible and also knowledgeable. 


What TWO rhetorical devices are used in the following quote

"sound like the prattlings of landscape gardeners who hope by frantic efforts to keep Alaska from bumping into Asia"

Sarcasm and Hyperbole


How does the author propose to solve child labor?

enlist the help of workingmen and labor organizations


Homiletic (n.)

"In their essays and in the great grammars and dictionaries, we find the most direct secular continuation of the homiletic tradition, reflecting the conviction that the mastery of polite prose is a moral accomplishment, to which we will be moved by appeals to our highest instincts."

the art of preaching or writing sermons


What incentive does the Queen give to her troops to fight?

She promises them rewards of wealth.


From inference, what is Hilary's tone when she speaks?

She speaks to the audience in a friendly and happy tone.