An unhealthy compulsion to do things perfectly.
What is perfectionism?
Having an unlimited inner resource of ideas and solutions.
What is creativity?
Consciously improving your voice by speaking more softly or more clearly.
What is a pleasing tone of voice?
ex: Getting through an exam successfully.
What is a short term goal?
Paying attention to our inner organizer, prioritizing, and managing time efficiently.
What is time management?
Eliminating self critical thoughts that are conterproductive.
What is being kind to yourself?
Looking into the creative energy of art museums, fashion, music, and magazines.
What is looking for creative inspiration?
Ability to deliver truthful, even sometimes critical or difficult, messages in a kind way.
What is diplomacy?
ex: Becoming a salon owner in 5 years.
What is a long term goal?
Ordering tasks on your to-do list from most important to least important.
What is prioritizing?
Imagining or picturing yourself working in your dream salon; turning your vision into reality.
What is visualizing success?
Eliminating criticism to fulfill your full potential; seeing the best in situations.
What is being positive?
Commit to practice through active listening; using verbal and nonverbal skills.
What are effective communication skills?
The identification and mapping of long term and short term goals.
What is goal setting?
Studying for smaller chunks of time, as well as cutting tasks into smaller chunks.
What is a good time managment technique?
Trusting your ability to achieve set goals; believing in yourself.
What is self esteem?
Using active problem solving words such as explore, analyze, and determine.
What is improving your vocabulary?
Being compassionate, empathetic, and responsive to others.
What is sensitivity?
Making a to-do list, finishing daily homework.
A quiet place with no distractions, a place where you can sit upright.
Where should you study?
Practicing whatever helps you make a positive image; building on your character.
What is building on your strengths?
People working together to share ideas causing more creative ideas to flow.
What is surrounding yourself with others who share your passion?
Learning how to handle a confrontation, and sharing your feelings in a professional manner.
What is emotional stability?
When you have to fulfill your desires or dreams, and you need a game plan.
When should I set goals?
When you feel most energetic and motivated; start by estimating time needed.
When should I study?