Igneous Rock
Sedimentary Rock
Metamorphic Rock
Classifying Rock
The Rock Cycle/Minerals
An igneous rock commonly used as building material is a. sandstone. c. slate. b. marble. d. granite.
What is d. granite.
As layer upon layer of sediments are deposited, the process of ____________________ presses them together.
What is compaction.
A metamorphic rock in which the grains line up in layers is called__________. a chemical rock b. clastic rock c. nonorganic rock d. foliated rock
What is foliated rock.
What is the hardest known mineral? a. talc c. diamond b. quartz d. gold
What is c. diamond.
Forces deep inside the Earth and at the surface produce a slow cycle that builds, destroys and changes the rocks in the crust is called __________________.
What is the rock cycle.
How does an extrusive igneous rock form?
What is it is formed from lava that erupted on the Earth's surface.
(True/false If false, give correct word.) The small particles of rock or the remains of living things that make up sedimentary rocks are called cement.
What is false, sediment.
The texture of slate is said to be ____________________ because its mineral particles can be seen only with a microscope.
What is fine-grained.
Which term is used to describe how light is reflected from a mineral’s surface? a. color c. cleavage b. luster d. streak
What is b. luster.
The process by which sediment settles out of the water or wind carrying it is _______________. a. compaction. c. deposition. b. cementation. d. erosion.
What is c. deposition.
(True/false If false, give correct word.) GRANITE is an igneous rock made up of the minerals quartz, mica, feldspar, and hornblende.
What is true.
A sedimentary rock made up of rock fragments with rounded edges is called a. shale. c. conglomerate. b. sandstone. d. breccia.
What is c. conglomerate.
How do geologists classify metamorphic rocks?
What is according to the arrangement of the grains making up the rocks.
When all the grains in a rock are large and easy to see, the rock is described as a. extrusive. c. coarse grained. b. fine grained. d. non-banded.
What is a. extrusive.
Heat and pressure deep beneath Earth’s surface can change any rock into ____________________. a. chemical rock. c. metamorphic rock. b. gemstones. d. sedimentary rock.
What is c. metamorphic rock.
(True/false If false, give correct word.)The faster magma cools, the SMALLER the mineral crystals form.
What is true.
The sedimentary rock called ____________________ is used in making cement.
What is limestone.
Explain why metamorphic rock rarely forms at Earth’s surface.
What is metamorphic rock almost always forms under conditions of tremendous heat and pressure. Such conditions are not present at the surface, but deep below it. An exception occurs when a pocket of magma rising through the crust near the surface heats the surrounding rock, thus producing metamorphic rock.
Halite is a mineral formed by ________________________. a. crystallization of hot water solutions on the ocean floor. b. cooling of magma. c. evaporation. d. cooling of lava.
What is c. evaporation.
What does a mineral’s streak tell you, and how do you test for it?
What is a mineral’s streak tells the color of the mineral when it is in powder form. The streak test is helpful in telling apart two minerals that are the same color. Even though the minerals look alike, their streak is often different. A mineral is tested for streak by rubbing it against a piece of unglazed tile, or a streak plate.
What step in the rock cycle creates the sediment from which sedimentary rock is formed?
What is erosion of igneous and metamorphic (as well as other sedimentary rocks) provides some of the sediment from which sedimentary rocks form.
Describe two pathways through the rock cycle in which igneous rock can become metamorphic rock.
What is igneous rock can undergo high temperature and pressure and turn into metamorphic rock. Or, igneous rock can undergo erosion to form sediments that get compacted and cemented to form sedimentary rock. Then the sedimentary rock can undergo high temperature and pressure to become metamorphic rock.
Describe what geologists do to determine the mineral composition of a rock.
What is geologists may examine a sliver of the rock under a microscope to identify the minerals the rock contains based on their crystal shape and size. They may test the rock with a magnet to see if it contains magnetic metals (iron or nickel). They might also place acid on the surface to see if the rock includes minerals that contain compounds called carbonates.
What is an advantage and a disadvantage to using color to identify a mineral?
What is the color of a mineral is an easily observed property. However, many minerals occur in a variety of colors, so few minerals can be identified based only on their color.