Meaning of the Feeding of the Five Thousand
What is Christ revealed that He is living bread who would give eternal life to all who ate him?
What are the 3 main jobs of the successors/bishops?
What is preaching repentance, forgiveness of sins, and guarding the Liturgy?
The relationship between the Mass and Christ
What is the Mass is the marriage feast between Christ and the Church?
Definition of Typology
What is a study of symbols, where the Old Testament connects to the New?
Central message of Jesus’ preaching
What is proclaiming the Kingdom of God?
Meaning of The Last Supper
What is Christ instituted priesthood and instructed Apostles to celebrate the Eucharist?
Divine Filiation and when you get it
What is being a disciple with an Apostle’s perks because God forgives our sins and makes us his children, Baptism
The reason God wants you to eat him
What is God wants you to embrace him by consuming the Eucharist?
St. Augustine‘s statement about typology
What is “The New Testament is concealed in the Old, and the Old Testament is revealed in the New”?
The Gospels contain little information about this
What is Jesus’ hidden life?
Meaning of the Meal at Emmaus
What is the Disciples recognized Christ’s presence in the breaking of the bread?
Jesus’ best friend and first pope
Who is Peter?
The most important moment in the Liturgy, when time stops
What is the Trans-substantiation?
What is Christ is the New Adam, Mary is the New Eve?
Jesus’ sonship VS. our sonship
What is Jesus’s sonship is uncreated and eternal, but ours is real and created?
Meaning of the Wheat and the Weeds
What is why God lets evil coexist with good?
Difference between Disciple and Apostle
What is a disciple is a follower of Jesus, and an Apostle was chosen by Him?
The reason we say that heaven and earth meet in the Liturgy
What is the Mass is a transition from earthly to heavenly things?
Example of Typology that is the saving of God’s creation
What is Noah’s ark as the Church?
When God sent Christ
What is in the fullness of time, a specific time and place?
Meaning of the Mustard Seed and the Leaven
What is the Church would start small but grow throughout the Earth and sanctify it from within?
How much Christ shared with the Apostles
What is Christ did not share everything with the Apostles?
This is essential to the Liturgy
What is beauty?
Example of Typology that means the Eucharist/priesthood
What is the Passover meal as the Holy Mass?
What is the Protoevangelium (Good News)?