What is the POI that resembles a power plant?
Steamy Stacks
What is the tier 100 battle pass skin in C2 S2?
What is the common type of fish you can get from fishing?
Small Fry
What weapon did Midas drop when you eliminated him?
Midas' Drum Gun
Was the Renegade emote released in C2?
What was the name of the POI in the middle of the map in C2S2?
The Agency
What blue-haired streamer got their own skin at the beginning of Chapter 2?
What mythic item could you get from fishing?
The Mythic Goldfish
What item shot bandages at either yourself or your teammates?
Bandage Bazooka
What is the name of the emote that lets you hug other people?
Bear Hug
What POI was the most disliked and was located in the top left corner of the map in C2S3?
Coral Castle
What is the name of the customizable skin from the C2S2 Battle Pass?
Gear Specialist Mya
What throwable item catches wooden builds on fire?
What new rarity of weapon got introduced in C2S5?
What is the name of the emote where you pull up a chair and sit down?
Have A Seat
How many POI's were there on the C2S1 map?
What is the name every member of the Seven?
The Foundation, The Visitor, The Paradigm, The Imagined, The Order, The Origin, and The Scientist
How many different bows were introduced in C2S6?
How many Marvel mythics were introduced in C2S4?
What is the name of Wolverine's built-in emote?
How many trees are in Weeping Woods?
What level did you have to be to get fully golden Meowscles?
Level 180
How many candies were introduced in C2S4?
What is the name of the mythic boots you could get from the Spire in C2S6?
The Spire Jumpboots
What is the name of Peely Bone's built-in emote?