What is absolute value? What is it's symbol?
The distance a number is from 0.
Symbol = | |
Evaluate |33|
Compare the two numbers using <, >, or =.
-25 _______ -30
-25 > -30
(-5) + 17
Put the numbers in ascending order:
-5, -15, 20, -10, 3
-15, -10, -5, 3, 20
What is an Integer?
Evaluate |-23|
Compare the two numbers using <, >, or =.
-|-8| _______ -3
-|-8| = -8
-8 < -3
-46 + (-54)
Order the numbers in descending order.
10, -15, 8, -3, -4
10, 8, -3, -4, -15
What is ascending?
Evaluate -|-27|
Compare the two numbers using <, >, or =.
-| -5 + 17| _______ 0
-|-5 + 17| = -|12| = -12
-12 < 0
7 + |-9|
Order the numbers in ascending order.
-13, -33, -2, -5, 0
-33, -13, -5, -2, 0
What is descending?
Greatest to least
What is x?
|x| = 10
Compare the two numbers using <, >, or =.
|6 + -8| _______ -3
|6 + -8| = |-2| = 2
2 > -3
13 + (-6) + (-34)
Order the numbers in descending order, based on their absolute value:
-33, -4, 11, 21, 0
22, 21, 11, 4, 0