What does AKA mean?
Above the knee amputation
Surgical removal of the leg above the Knee
What is D&C?
Dilation and Curettage Dilation of the uterine cervix and scraping of the inner lining.
Lumbar Puncture a collection of cerebrospinal fluid for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
What does BKA mean?
Below the knee amputation
Surgical removal of the knee below the knee
What is EGD?
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy Visualizes the upper portion of the gastrointestinal tract.
What does BMT mean?
Incision into both sides of the eardrum for drainage via tube placement.
What is ESS?
Endoscopic Sinus Surgery use of endoscopic instruments to operate on the nose.
What is PAL?
Power Assisted Surgery suction of fat cells by means of a motorized hand piece.
What does BSO mean?
Bilateral Salpingo Oopherectomy Surgical removal of the fallopian tubes and ovaries
What does EUA mean?
Exam Under Anesthesia use of Anesthesia to conduct surgery
What does CABG mean?
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Creation of a new blood supply to an area of the heart with a clogged blocked artery.
What is I&D
Incision and drainage incision to drain pus/fluid from abscess, boil or wound.
What is MIS?
Minimally Invasive Surgery a type of surgery that uses endoscopic techniques to reduce trauma to the body.