2.4: Projectile Motion
2.5: The Range of Projectiles
2.8: PE and KE
2.9: Conser. of Energy
Grab Bag!
An object traveling through the air or other medium
What is a projectile?
Projectiles travel in the shape of a parabola and follow a path referred to as this.
What is trajectory?
This is referred to as "stored work".
What is energy?
This is conserved when there are no outside forces acting on the objects under consideration.
What is energy?
The man who came up with the three laws of motion
Who is Sir Isaac Newton?
The only type of force acting on an object in free fall.
What is gravity?
This number describes the acceleration of an object due to gravity for an object in free fall to planet Earth.
What is -9.8 m/s^2?
This law states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?
The type of energy present when a jumper squats down.
What is elastic potential energy?
This letter represents the spring constant.
What is "k"?
The two types (directions) of motion that are independent of one another when an object is in free fall.
What are horizontal and vertical motion?
Increasing this will decrease the range of a projectile.
What is the angle?
These are the four types of energy.
What are work, elastic potential energy, gravitational potential energy, and kinetic energy?
These types of energy are present when a person is in between squatting and heading toward the peak.
What are gravitational potential and kinetic energy?
This is the force of attraction between two bodies due to their masses.
What is gravity?
For an object in free fall, this remains constant in the horizontal direction, but changes at a rate of -9.8 in the vertical direction.
What is velocity?
This number is the angle at which a launched projectile will travel the farthest.
What is 45 degrees?
The equation for work and what the variables stand for.
What is W=Fxd where F is force and d is distance/displacement?
These are the three positions of the jumper and the types of energy that are present at each position.
What are ready (EPE), launch (KE and GPE), and peak (GPE)?
This law states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to its force and inversely proportional to its mass.
What is Newton's Second Law of Motion?
These three factors determine the range of a projectile.
What are initial velocity, the angle, and the height?
These are the two types of models used by scientists to explain a certain event in science.
What are mathematical and physical?
The standard unit for energy
What is the Joule?
This is the amount of kinetic energy present if the total energy of the system is 200 J, the gravitational potential energy is 60 J, and the elastic potential energy is 40 J.
What is 100 J?
Name one real-world example of a projectile.
What is (answers will vary)?