Main Ideas
Big Ideas
Big Ideas 2
Think Like A Scientist
Show You Know

The photo shows a group of Emperor penguins. Here are some facts about Emperor penguins: 

• They live in Antarctica. 

• They stand and walk on solid ice. 

• They swim in the ocean to catch fish and small sea animals to eat.

 • They lay one egg each year. 

Which is one way that Emperor penguins survive in this environment? 

a. live in groups to save space in groups to keep warm

c .live alone to catch more fish

b. live in groups to keep warm


___________ is an example of a group that is working together to obtain food.   

a. A leopard sneaking up on its prey

b. A group of adult elephants surrounding the baby elephants

c. A group of zebras standing watch over the herd

d. A pride of lions attacking a wilderbeest

d. A pride of lions attacking a wilderbeest


________ is an example of a social animal coping with changes. 

a. Lions raising their cubs together

b. Geese flying south in the winter

c. Elephants forming a ring around their young

d. Killer whales hunting and sharing porpoises

b. Geese flying south in the winter


A student claims that a gray squirrel lives alone so that it does not have to share food. Which is the BEST evidence for that claim? 

a.A squirrel buries nuts to eat in the winter.

b. A squirrel eats mainly nuts, fruit, and insects.

c. A squirrel is eaten by foxes, bobcats, and hawks.

a.A squirrel buries nuts to eat in the winter.


Prey is an animal that 

a. hunts alone.

b. lives in a group.

c. protects its young.

d. is hunted and eaten.

d. is hunted and eaten.


The size of an animal group 

a. can vary.

b. is always large.

c. is usually small.

d. does not change

a. can vary.


15. The table tells about two animals of Africa. Which reason BEST explains why zebras live in larger groups than cheetahs?  

a. to have many teeth to catch large prey to eat

b. to have many eyes and noses to find foods to eat

c. to have many eyes to watch for animals that eat them

c. to have many eyes to watch for animals that eat them


Which of the following types of animals does not live in groups? 







 Leopards do not live in groups because they 

a. can hunt prey better alone.

b. have fewer predators if they separate.

c. can watch their offspring better by themselves.

d. need less food if they stay apart.

a. can hunt prey better alone.

  • cientists study different types of whales. Here are two of the whales they studied and some facts about them.

    Which claim is BEST supported by the evidence in the table?

  • a. The larger whale eats larger prey.

    b. Smaller whales survive better in warmer places.

  • c.Each whale’s mouth is suited to a certain type of food

c.Each whale’s mouth is suited to a certain type of food


6. Polar bears usually live alone. They hunt for seals to eat. Which reason BEST explains why large animals like polar bears that hunt for prey would live alone? 

a. so they can protect their young better

b. to sneak up on animals that they can eat

c. so they are safe when traveling long distances

b. to sneak up on animals that they can eat


How do female lions in a pride respond to lion cubs that are not their offspring? 

a. They do not touch them.

b. They act aggressive toward them.

c. They never give food to them.

d. They help take care of them.

d. They help take care of them.


Which of the following is true of animals that live in groups?  

a. All animals in a group do the same jobs.

b. Different animals in a group do different jobs.

c. Every animal in a group takes care of itself.

d. Animals live only in groups to protect their young

b. Different animals in a group do different jobs.


One of the whales lives in groups, and the other lives alone. Which argument BEST explains which type of whale lives in groups and why? 

a. The right whale, because its size means it needs more food.

b.The killer whale, because it needs help to kill large animals.

c.The killer whale, because it can eat more with its sharp teeth.

b.The killer whale, because it needs help to kill large animals.


A group of scientists conduct a study about wolves. They watch several wolves that live in a large group. They also watch one wolf that has become separated from the group. The scientists watch how the wolves find food and stay safe.

Think about how the wolves find food. Why might it be easier for the wolves in the group to find food than for the one wolf?

Wolves hunt for food. They can hunt together and then share their food.


Social animals form groups to 

a. find food.

b. have protection.

c. raise young.

d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.


Animals of the same kind that live in a group in order to meet their needs are called  

a. nice animals.

b. social animals.

c. friendly animals.

d. worker animals.

b. social animals.


Think about young wolves. Why might it be easier for the wolves in the group to protect their young than for the one wolf?

A group of wolves can protect young be#er. The one wolf cannot stay with the young all the me. The one wolf might not be able to stop other animals who might attack.