In the Beginning
A Day in the Life
Leaving the Homeland
The Big Boys and Girls

This animal, while not their favorite meat, was a staple hunt for the Natives for its taste, skin, and abundance.

What is deer?


After decades of hunting the same animals, this new animal brought by Hernando De Soto became a delicacy to many Natives.

What is pork?


This trek came to be after Natives were forced to move from their homelands on a series of paths.

What is the Trail of Tears?


This tribe was known for being fierce allies of the French along with being the largest tribe in Mississippi.

Who is the Choctaw?


This was the most often spoken language of Native tribes.

What is Muskohegan?

Natives believed that when it came to this that they should be one with it and consider it equal.

What is nature?


While the Natives grew many crops, this one (in its Native name) in particular was beloved and held high due to its diversity in use.

What is maize?


This President after his election in 1829 became the catalyst for moving Natives out of Mississippi and other areas.

Who is Andrew Jackson?


This tribe was known for their excellent hunting skills and proud warriors that later led them to multiple victories over the French.

Who is the Chickasaw?

This concept was something all Natives believed in, and this was usually the type.

What is religion and polytheistic?


This was the passage used to help the Natives cross into North America.

What is the Bering Land Bridge?


This game, among many others by the Natives" was known as "the little brother of war."

What is stickball?


This state was the end point on the trek that Natives made across the South.

What is Oklahoma?


This location was the driving force behind conflict and battles between the French and the Natchez.

What is Fort Rosalie?


This was the reasoning used by settlers to remove Natives from their land?

What is misusing it and not using the land to its full potential?


This man was responsible for naming the Natives "Indians" due to him believing he had landed in India.

Who is Christopher Columbus?


Among the many tribes and their unique rituals, only one tribe did this action when their Great Sun (or chief) died.

What is human sacrifice?


This tribe was owed money by the U.S. government that they never received after they signed this document, which led to them joining the Confederacy in the Civil War.

What is the Chickasaw and the Treaty of Pontotoc?


This French explorer was the first known person to reference the Natchez tribe.

Who is La Salle?


One of our first presidents suggested a solution to the Native removal problem. Name him and his solution?

Who is George Washington and "civilizing" them?


This is how the Natives contributed to our wild hog population.

What is chased hogs into the wilderness while raiding de Soto's camp?


Clans and families were important to the Natives, so it's important to know when they traced their lineage, it came through their... 

What is mother?


This bill was signed into law and gave the U.S. the ability to trade land with the Natives for their land in Mississippi.

What is the Indian Removal Act?


The Natchez, while trade partners with the French, saw their relationship break down for this reason.

What is the French continuing to impede on Native land?


This was the action that resulted in the French invading Chickasaw villages.

What is giving refugee to the Natchez tribe?