What is an astrolabe?
An instrument that measures the height of the sun or stars.
Who was Ferdinand Magellan?
The first explorer to sail all the way around the globe.
Where did Ponce De Leon explore? Look at the map on pg. 79.
What was the most important crop from America to Europe?
Why do people explore?
Adventure, wealth, knowledge, or spreading religion.
Define "merchant".
A person who buys and sells goods.
Who was Prince Henry?
A Portuguese prince who founded a navigation school.
Describe the location of the Pacific Ocean.
West of the Americas; East of Asia
Name two crops that went from Europe to the Americas?
Grapes, wheat, etc.
What did people learn and do at Prince Henry's school?
Navigation, mapmaking, and shipbuilding.
A journey taken for exploration.
Who was a conquistador? Give at least one example.
A Spanish explorer who conquered new lands. Examples: Hernan Cortes, Francisco Pizarro, etc.
Describe Magellan's route.
Across the Atlantic, through South America and across the Pacific.
Name a disease exchanged during the Columbian Exchange.
Smallpox, measles, etc.
Name one technological advance from the Age of Exploration that we still use today.
Compass, maps, ship designs.
What is a conquistador?
A Spanish conqueror.
Why was Ferdinand Magellan's journey significant?
It was the first voyage to go all the way around the world; it proved the earth was round.
To chart new territories and plan sea routes.
What animals were traded during the Columbian Exchange?
Horses, cows, pigs, etc.
How were indigenous people affected by European arrival?
Many were enslaved, displaced or killed by diseases.
What is an epidemic?
An outbreak of disease that spreads quickly.
Why did rulers fund explorations?
For wealth, spreading Christianity, and gaining power.
Why did explorers explore new regions?
For trade, riches, land, and religious conversion.
Name the 2 main effects of the Columbian Exchange.
Sharing crops and animals; diseases killed many Native Americans.
Why did natives flee from Columbus?
Fear of the unknown or violent treatment by explorers.