A person who studies how people think, feel, and behave.
How much you respect yourself and like yourself.
A reaction to a situation that involves the mind, body, & behavior.
The four primary emotions.
Happiness, Sadness, Fear, Anger
In Meet the Robinsons, they celebrate this.
People whose ages and interests are similar.
Peer Group
The age group that is overly self-conscious and self-critical.
Teens (Adolescence)
An emotion that is expressed by people in all cultures.
Primary Emotions
Focusing on your appearance may lower this.
This is how Trevor helped the neighbor.
Mowed Her Lawn
Behaviors, attitudes, feelings, and ways of thinking.
Self-Esteem is the highest during this stage of life.
An emotion whose expression depends on the social environment in which a person grows up.
Learned Emotions
The three Learned Emotions.
Love, Guilt, Shame
This is Trevor's only job at Mr. Hannan's house.
Taking Out the Trash
A term referring to the "sense of self".
The process by which people achieve their fullest potential.
A way of dealing with an uncomfortable or unbearable feeling or situation.
Coping Strategy
These two things influence personality traits.
Heredity & Environment
Mr. Hannan tried to steal this from the grocery store.
A Rice Bowl
Learning how to behave by copying the behaviors of others.
According to Maslow's Hierarchy, these human needs are the most basic.
The first step in dealing with emotions in a healthy way.
Recognizing Your Emotions
These are the 5 Traits used to define personality.
Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism (Emotional Stability)
According to Mr. Hannan, you do this to build self-esteem.
Try Hard Things