Newton's Laws
Projectile Motion
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
What is Newton's 3rd Law
A projectile will travel the farthest horizontally when launched at this angle.
What is 45 degrees
Jorge forgot his headphones on the way to Chicago so Jose, sitting 2 rows behind him on the plane, tosses Jorge his extra set. Jose tosses them at .5m/s. If the plane is traveling at 330m/s, how fast are the headphones moving relative to Griselda on the ground in Denver? *assume Griselda is watching in a parallel frame of reference
What is 330m/s + .5m/s = 330.5m/s assuming the plane is moving parallel to Griselda.
Two types of potential energy we worked with
What is Gravitational Potential Energy and Elastic Potential Energy.
A Nm is also represented this way
What is J, or a joule
Sergio, being chased by a bear, decides to weave between the trees in the forest as he tries to outrun the bear. He made this decision because of what physics principle?
What is inertia?
An object is dropped off the Empire State Building. This equation will help you determine how long it takes to land.
What is y = 1/2at^2
The difference in this constant is the reason cleats grip the field better than vans.
What is Mu, the coefficient of friction
This value can be ignored when determining the total energy of a system because energy is conserved.
What is the mass. KE = PE 1/2mv^2 = mgh
Another way to represent N, newtons.
What is kg/ms^2
A 20N force is applied to a 100g box. What is the acceleration of the box?
What is f=ma 20 = (.1kg)a a = 200m/s^2
A basketball is shot at a 35 degree angle going 12m/s. Find Vy and Vx.
What is Vy = 12sin35 = 6.9 m/s Vx = 12cos35 = 9.8m/s
A plane moving at 330m/s is moving this fast in mph.
What is 738mph 330m* 3600s * 1mi ------ ------ ---- = 738mi/hr s 1hr 1609m
A force applied over a distance.
What is Work
When measuring EPE, the spring constant has this unit
What is N/m.
If you have 2 matchbox cars with the same mass and you want one car to accelerate more quickly. This is your strategy.
What is apply a larger force to one car.
A soccer ball reaches this maximum height when kicked from the ground (and lands on the ground) at a 25 degree angle going 13m/s.
What is y=1/2at^2 +Vyt+0 0 = 1/2(-9.8m/s^2)t^2 + 13sin25m/s * t 0=t(-4.9m/s^2 * t + 13sin25m/s) 4.9m/s^2 *t = 13sin25m/s t = 13sin25/4.9 = 1.12s (rounded, use whole # to find y) y = 1/2(-9.8m/s^2)(1.121232123/2)^2 + 13sin25*1.121232123/2 HALF THE TIME y=1.54m
A 3.5kg ball rolling at 2.0 m/s has this type of energy amounting in how many J?
What is Kinetic Energy. KE = 1/2mv^2 = 1/2(3.5kg)(2.0m/s) = 3.5J
Newton's first law states...
What is an object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will remain in motion - in a straight line at a constant speed - unless acted upon by an outside force.
Jennifer flips a coin while sitting in the front seat (passenger side) of her car traveling down the highway. This is the reason the coin lands in her hand.
What is horizontal and vertical velocities are independent of each other. The coin has the velocity of Jennifer and the car and will land in the same place as both of them.
Determine the speed of a .02kg penny as it his the ground if it starts with a PE of 12J.
What is PE = KE 12J = 1/2mv^2 12 = .5(.02)v^2 1200=v^2 v= 34.64m/s