Eastern Woodlands
The Great Plains
The Southwest Desert
The Northwest Coast

What was the Iroquois League? Who was in it?

Five tribes in the Eastern Woodlands region -- Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Mohawk


Where are the Plains located? What present day states do Cheyenne people live in?

Montana - Texas.


Describe the environment in the SW Desert region 

dry and arid


Where is the NW Coast located? What body of water does it border?

Present day Canada, Pacific ocean 


What Iroquois custom is still practiced today 

meeting of the Great Council

Who made the decisions for the Iroquouis League and how were they chosen?

The Great Council made decisions and they were representatives chosen by older women in the five tribes 


How did Plains people get their food

hunting buffalo

What was their climate like and how did they get food 
hot and arid, village way of life and dependant on farming 

What was the climate like and how did they get food?

temperate climate, hunting and fishing for food

What do some descendants of the Iroquois do today

skilled builders of skyscrapers

Resources of the Eastern Woodlands and what was done with these

thick forests, wood made longhouses, thousands of lakes and rivers, fertile soil 


What were their important resources



What were their important resources

water for crop irrigation, crops, lived on top of mesas 


What were their important resources? What did they do with these?

woodlands, ocean for hunting, carved canoes and totem poles 


How did the people in the Great Plains live? What was their shelter dependant on?

Depended on what was occuring with the buffalo -- if they were following buffalo they lived in teepees and would follow them, they build lodges when they were more settled and hunting and farming 


What did animals provide to the people in the Eastern Woodlands

food, clothing, shelter 


What was the most important animal? What was it used for?

Buffalo -- meat for food, fur for clothing, skin for shelter


Where did the Hopi build their villages and why

On top of mesas, apartment-style houses that were good for protection and to live in a community


Describe a potlatch 

a type of "housewarming" get together where the host would give guests gifts


What was important about the Hopi today

continue to live in villages and follow ancient traditions and customs


Describe Iroquois beliefs and customs (including wampum)

When a hunter killed a deer, he knelt beside it and spoke to it. Thanked it for food and clothing it would provide for his family. Wampum were decorative belts that was a gift to honor marriage. 


How did the Plains people get horses and what were they used for?

Spanish brought horses to Aztec and Maya to Mexico. Horses broke free and Cheyenne tamed their descendants. They rode them when hunting, had them carry supplies, carried travois

Describe the Kachinas? What were they used for 

believed they could bring them rain and other type of help. Hopi dance ceremonies honored them and sought their aid


What was a shaman? Describe ceremonies

spiritual healer. dancing ceremonies with "special effects" including masks, smoke, dancing, sounds 


How has the present day culture of the Kwakiutl changed from previous times

newer building methods, new foods including sugar, medical doctors and shaman serve the community