job specialization
Hammarabi VS Moses

The name of the wedge shaped writing developed by Sumerians?

What is cuneiform?


This person used raw materials to make clay pots, wool clothing, jewelry and other goods

What is an artisan?


Three commandments under Mosaic Law are

Do not steal

Do not covet

have no other gods before the one true GOD

Do not murder

Do not lie

Jonah preached repentance to this major city

What is Nineveh?


The building at the center of Ur

What was a ziggurat?


An excess of crops grown

What is a surplus?


The penalty for stealing under Hammurabi's code

What is being put to death?


This empire over threw the Assyrians in 612BC

Who are the Chaldeans?


Mesopotamia means this in Greek

What is "land between the rivers?"


The jobs of a scribe

List at least 2

to record business transactions, tax payments, and transfers of government power


The significance of Hammurabi's code is

The Code of Hammurabi was one of the earliest and most complete written legal codes. It was proclaimed by the Babylonian king Hammurabi.

Mosaic Law and others existed at the time as well.


This king was leader of the Chaldeans, and eventually turned the empire to God for a short period of time. Daniel interpreted dreams for this king which is why he finally trusted in the God of Israel.

Who is Nebuchadnezzar?


The cycles used to develop the 12 month calendar

What are cycles of the moon?


Local city state officials were important to harmony in Sumer despite the existence of the monarchy because

The King was too far removed to enforce laws locally and could not physically go to each city state to collect taxes. Local city state officials could manage these tasks for the King.


The difference between Mosaic Law and Hammurabi's Code

There were many differences but one specific that we discussed in class was:

Hammurabi's code gave special treatment to the wealthy. Under Mosaic Law everyone is equally held to the law.


Essentially, both the Assyrian and Chaldean empires failed because of this.

They disobeyed God. The Assyrians consistently attacked and enslaved the Israelites. They worshiped many gods (were polytheistic). The Chaldeans may have turned to God for a short while but eventually chose other gods as well.  


Explain why Sumer was able to flourish based on their location and access to water. Be VERY SPECIFIC

Sumer was able to flourish as a civilization given they developed in the Fertile Crescent of the Middle East. Being located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers allowed Sumer access to water. This water accompanied by rich soil allowed the Sumerians to successfully farm. A surplus of food resulted with the new farming techniques such as irrigation and use of the plow. This allowed for some Sumerians to choose different jobs than farming. Sumer continued to develop into a successful civilization.


Three types of jobs found in the middle class of Sumer

What were: farmers, merchants, artisans, fisherman


Punishments under Mosaic Law for stealing

The thief was required to pay back the stolen item and the equivalent amount they expected to profit from the theft. If they could not pay back, they were sold into slavery for up to 6 years. 


Three strengths of the Assyrian empire

Militarily superior for their time (iron weapons, battering rams, chariots, etc)

Vast land in the Fertile Crescent which allowed for wealth and trade(Stretched from the Persian gulf to the Nile River in Egypt)

Complex government with king and local officials

Lasted 19 centuries