_____ is essential to the liturgy.
What is Beauty?
The feast of the 5000
Jesus broke bad and multiplied it?
Jesus reveals he is the only living bread?
Men and women of all ages and backgrounds who were attracted to his message and believed in him.
What is Disciples?
Typology is the study of
What are symbols?
God sent Christ in…….
What is the fullness of time?
this happened during the last supper
Jesus instituted the priesthood?
Apostles were appointed……
What is to be with him and preach and have authority to cast out demons?
Christ is the…
what is the new Adam?
The difference between a ritual and liturgy is…….
What is a ritual is manmade?
What is the liturgy is made by God?
The mustard seed
The size of the faith needed to trust in Jesus?
The head of the Apostles.
What is St. Peter?
Mary is the…
What is new eve?
The mass is……
What is a translation from earthly things to supernatural?
Parable of the wheat
Why God allows evil to coexist with good?
After Christ’s Resurrection and Ascension the Apostles….
What is they began to exercise responsibility as shepherds of the Church?
Passover meal is known as….
What is the Holy Mass?
The mass and liturgy are…….
What is a proclamation of the kingdom of God?
The parable the Mustard Seed and the Leaven reveals….
What is how the church would start small and would grow throughout the earth?
Christ prepared them by…
What is explaining to them his parables and sharing much of his teaching with them alone?
Mana is the desert as the…
What is the Eucharist