Newton's Laws of Motion
Gravity multiplied by time.
What is the formula for change in velocity?
The motion of a body when ONLY the force of gravity is acting on the body.
What is Free Fall
A sled sliding on a flat, icy surface with a constant velocity is best described by
What is Newton's First Law of Motion.
An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at constant speed and in a straight line unless acted on by an unbalanced force is which law?
What is Newton's First Law of Motion.
When an object is moving forward and in free fall, it is said to be what?
What is orbiting
What is the formula for Newton's Second Law of Motion
What is F=Mass x Acceleration
The curved path that an object follows when thrown, launched, or otherwise projected near the surface of Earth.
What is Projectile Motion
A plane parked in a terminal reflects which law of motion
What is Newton's first law of motion.
Pushing a cart across a floor and then pushing it with a heavy box in it can best be explained by which of Newton's three laws?
What is Newton's Second Law of Motion
If an action force is the cue ball hitting the billiard ball what is the reaction force?
What is the billiard ball's force on the cue ball.
Acceleration is equal to the force divided by the mass
What is Acceleration
The unbalanced force that causes objects to move in a circular path.
What is centripetal force
A dart travels downward and hits below the bulls eye of a target as a result of this.
What is Vertical Motion
Which law if effected by mass and force?
What is Newton's Second Law.
Astronauts are said to be weightless while in a space shuttle while orbiting earth because they are in _____ with the spaceship.
What is Free Fall.
This formula is used to calculate one's velocity toward something and mass determines the speed of the object.
What is the formula for momentum.
The tendency of an object to resist being moved or, if the object is moving, to resist a change in speed or direction until an outside force acts on the object.
What is Inertia
In a vacuum all objects fall at the same rate because of the absence of this force.
What is force of air resistance.
A person swimming in a pool can best be explained by which of Newton's three laws?
What is Newton's Third Law of Motion.
In what direction is a baseball accelerated when thrown?
What is vertically downward.
A train has a force of 2,750,000N and accelerates at a rate of 175 m/s2. What is it's mass?
What is 15,714.3 lbs.
When a moving object hits another object, some or all of the momentum of the first object is transferred to the object that is hit.
What is Law of Conservation of Momentum.
This says that when two objects collide, their combined momentum remains the same.
What is Law of Conservation of Momentum.
A rabbit's legs exert a force on Earth. Earth exerts an equal force on the rabbit's legs and causes the rabbit to accelerate upward. This is an example of which of Newton's three laws?
What is Newton's Third Law of Motion.
This is a common unbalanced force that acts on objects that are in motion.
What is force.