Describe a pollutant (in terms of pesticide)
What is..
any pesticide that ends up off the target site and can harm us and/or our environment.
Define Overspray
The direct application of pesticide beyond the boundaries of the target area
Define Phytotoxicity
Hint: look in the glossary.
A chemical capable of causing injury to a plant.
Describe pesticide resistance
what is...
The inherited ability of a pest to tolerate the toxic effects of a particular pesticide.
Define Professionalism
What is demonstrating skill, good judgement, and polite behavior.
How Biomagnification works. (give an example)
What is...
pesticide level builds as it ascends the food chain.
Two main factors that cause drift.
Examples of non-target organisms (4).
What are....
Plants other than weeds
Fish and wildlife
Pets and people
Explain cross resistance
what is Pest become resistant to one pesticide can become resistant to others with the same mode of action.
Define Stewardship
Taking care and responsibility of/for something.
How pesticide can move off of the target site (5).
Volatilize (what is this?)
Rinsed off and enter the soil
Carried by runoff or soil erosion
Ingested by an animal of a pest thats been treated
Describe the difference between particle and vapor drift.
What is...
Vapor: Fumes, can drift further for longer.
Particle: Spray droplets
Explain Pest Resurgence
What is...
Decreasing beneficials population will allow for the target pest population to rebound (come back) and surpass (go over) pretreatment levels.
Explain Multiple resistance
Applicators with good working knowledge can...(2)
what is..
make good choices
tell others about pesticides clearly
Ground water contamination results from.....
What is...
Point-source pollution and non-point source pollution
Describe how Wind speed affects drift.
What is the the faster the wind speed the more likely drift will occur.
Explain Secondary Pest Outbreak
A pest population that had been maintained through natural predators and parasites can begin to cause significant damage (maybe greater than the original target pest).
4 practices of resistance management.
What is...
Only use pesticide when needed
Using IPM
Mix and rotate pesticide mixtures
Use specified rates (on label)
Can better communicate with the public by.....(4)
What is..
Listen to concerns
Try to understand conflicting viewpoints
Avoid poorly chosen or less than honest statments
Providing facts
Describe both point source and non-point source pollution
what is..
Point: Pollutions that comes from a specific, identifiable place or incident.
Non-point: Pollutions that come from a widespread area.
ATCP 29 describes drift negligence as....(2)
What is
Readily visible
Moves to areas outside the target area and causes harm or could cause harm.
Beekeepers can request...
Advance notice of applications of certain pesticides made within 1.5 miles of their bee yards. (pesticides labeled highly toxic to bee).
Factors that influence pest resistance
what is..
Pest life cycle length
Persistence and Frequency of product use
Proportion of population exposed to product
Chemical diversity of the product
Mode of action of the product
Dilution of product in aquatic (wet) applications
Frequency of resistance within a pest population
Concepts of stewardship includes (4)
what is
Maintain chemical security
safety communication
reducing environmental harm
Inhibit the increase of pesticide resistance