Crimes Against People
Crimes Against Property
White Collar Crimes/Crimes Against the Government
Criminal, Civil, Both

The main difference between assault and battery.

What is violence?


A person walks into the local Stop and Shop and take a Hersheys chocolate bar without paying for it.

What specific crime has been committed?

What is larceny?


Impersonating someone in order to obtain money from them.

What specific crime has been committed?

What is fraud?


The remedy (final decision) is based on the laws of the state.

Criminal, Civil, Both



A man starts a fire in one building while intending for it to spread and damage a neighboring building.

What is arson?


Jeffery was driving his car one afternoon. He started texting on his phone while driving. All of a sudden, he felt a bump! He slammed on his breaks and got out of the car only to find the body of an elderly women. He had hit and killed her with his car.

What specific crime has been committed?

What is manslaughter (3rd degree murder)?


Graffiti is a common example of this property crime.

What specific crime has been committed?

What is vandalism?


A bank employee puts money from other people's accounts into her personal account.

What specific crime has been committed?

What is embezzlement? 


Deals with a crime that was committed.

Criminal, Civil, Both



Defendants' punishments could result in jail time or loss of privileges. 

Criminal, Civil, Both



Allison and William were having a heated conversation at the supermarket. According to one witness, William raised his fist at Allison and said "Don't make me hit you!". Allison felt threatened and backed away from William, clearly afraid of what he might do to her.

What specific crime has been committed?

What is assault?


This separates larceny from robbery.

What is violence/threat of violence?


The assassination of a world leader or holding people as hostages in order to sway the decisions of politicians or society would be considered this form of crime.

What is terrorism?


The remedy (final decision) is based on what the plantiff is asking for.

Criminal, Civil, Both


The most common form of crime committed in the United States is....

a. crimes against people

b. crimes against property

c. crimes against the government

d. white collar crimes

b. crimes against property


Harold had a heated debate about politics with his brother Gerald at a family Christmas party. Harold was furious with his opinions and even threatened to harm him. A few days later, Harold showed up at Gerald's house. When Gerald left his home, Harold approached Gerald and attacked him with a knife. Gerald was rushed to the hospital but later died from his wounds.

What specific crime has been committed?

What is 1st degree murder?


A woman with a ski mask and a machete entered the Speedway and demanded that the cashier empty the register of all of its money. 

What specific crime has been committed?

What is robbery?


Edward Snowden, an American and naturalized Russian citizen, leaked highly classified information from the National Security Agency (NSA), causing him to be accused of this crime.  

What is treason?


A married couple decides to get a divorce. They disagree over who gets what. A judge hears both sides and makes a decision about how their property should be divided.

What is Civil Law?


Cases can be decided on by a jury.

Criminal, Civil, Both



Douglas got into an argument with his co-worker, August at the office. Out of a fit of rage, Douglas grabbed a stapler and smacked August across the side of his head and knocked him down. August was unconscious and seemed to have trouble breathing. He was taken to the hospital and was pronounced dead shortly after arriving. Douglas was arrested for this crime. 

What specific crime has been committed?

What is 2nd degree murder?


The Watergate scandal (breaking into the hotel and installed secret microphones) would qualify as this type of crime against property.

What specific crime has been committed?

What is burglary? 


Marissa called a friend with a voice changing device with the intent to get her friend's credit card information.

What is fraud?


Karen ordered an iPod off the internet and paid with her credit card, but she never received the order. The seller is refusing to refund her money, so she takes the matter to court.

What is Civil Law?


A type of theft that is a crime against property but includes a characteristic of a crime against people. 

What is robbery?