English colonists saw the need for an orderly regulation of their relationships with one another - a need for government
What is Ordered Government?
Great Charter forced upon King John of England by his barons in 1215; established that the power of the monarchy was not absolute and guaranteed trial by jury and due process of law to the nobility
What is The Magna Carta?
8: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia
What are the Royal Colonies?
Stamp Act repealed led to what two significant events?
What year did the First Continental Congress meet?
What is 1774?
Colonists also believed firmly that every individual has certain rights - unalienable rights - that government cannot take away
What is Limited Government?
Document prepared by Parliament and signed by King Charles I of England in 1628. Challenged the idea of the divine right of kings and declared that even the monarch was subject to the laws of the land
What is The Petition of Right?
3: Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware
What are the Proprietary Colonies?
What three states did not meet at the Stamp Act Congress in October 1765?
What is Georgia, New Hampshire, and Virginia?
All but one colony met at The First Continental Congress, which colony did not show up?
What is Georgia?
Idea that government should serve the will of the people
What is Representative Government?
Document written by Parliament and agreed to by William and Mary of England in 1689, designed to prevent abuse of power by English monarchs.
What is The English Bill of Rights?
2: Connecticut and Rhode Island
What are the Charter Colonies?
Strong protest against the new British policies, marked the first time a significant number of the colonies had joined to oppose the British government
What is the Declaration of Rights and Grievances?
Several prominent delegates were in attendance at The First Continental Congress, what state Samuel Adams & John Adams represent?
What is Massachusets?