Hoover's Efforts
FDR's New Deal
Life in the '30s

What is a Hoover Blanket?

 Newspaper that people would cover themselves with to sleep. 


What does AAA stand for?

Agricultural Adjustment Administration 


What does the Federal Deposit Insurance Commission do?

Guarantees your money in the bank up to $250,000 (2,500 at the time of creation)


Famous African American gold medalist in the 1936 Olympics

Jesse Owens


What was the name of the blimp that went down and killed 35 people?



While FDR favored government intervention to stop the Depression, Hoover relied on what kind of efforts?

Voluntary, people and businesses willingly making changes


This Second New Deal act provides monthly pensions for the elderly, paid for by those still working

Social Security Act


This former Louisiana governor thought FDR was not doing enough and advocated more socialist reforms, later assassinated 

Huey Long


What radio program convinced people the aliens had landed in New Jersey?

H.G. Wells's War of the Worlds


What was the Bonus Army?

WWI Veterans who march into DC and demand their bonuses that were supposed to be paid out in 1945. They do not receive them, most leave when the government offers to pay their way home, and others stay in a shanty town until forced out by the military. This was the last straw of Hoover's reputation. 


What are public works projects?

Government construction projects meant to employ people and give them a salary so they can spend money and fuel the economy. 


What was the Tennessee Valley Authority?

Government program that built dams in the TN river valley, bringing cheap hydroelectric power, providing jobs. 

This is the first time the government is the chief planning agent in the economy, not just facilitating planning by private businesses like in other cases. 


How did FDR try to "Pack the Court?"

He wanted to appoint a new Supreme Court judge for every judge over 70 so that he would have a democratic majority. This does not pass and elicits intense criticism. 


What happened to Charles Lindbergh Jr?

He was kidnapped and killed. His parents and law enforcement searched for him for over a month, even paying a man the $50,000 ransom. He was found in the woods behind his home. 


What population of voters were Republicans and Democrats seeking to capture in the 1890s-1910s?

Western voters


What did the Revenue Act do?

After cutting taxes, Hoover worried about the federal budget. He pushed for the passage of the Revenue Act that revived old taxes on gasoline, tires, cars, electricity, phone/radio messages and income. 


What were three goals of the First New Deal?

possible answers: boost agriculture, industry recovery, save the banks, employ the people, and regional planning


Who did FDR defeat for the presidency in 1936?

Alfred Landon


What were Okies?

People forced to move from Oklahoma and the surrounding area out west to California because of the desolate landscape of the Dust Bowl. Fictionally respresented in Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath


Who was the original Machine Gun Kelly?

An infamous bank robber and kidnapper in the 1930s that is brought down by the newly prominent FBI


How many businesses had closed under Hoover by 1932?



Why did FDR need to pass the Second New Deal?

1. Many of his First New Deal legislation was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court

2. The Depression was still going 

3. The Second New Deal is focused on long term reform, not just short term relief


Why did relief efforts stall between FDR's election and inauguration?

He did not want to associate with any of Hoover's efforts, so he would not approve any new measures, while Hoover did not want to do anything without the president-elect's approval. 


What caused the Dust Bowl?

1. Drought

2. Lack of grass and rooted plants to anchor the soil because they were removed to plant crops. 

3. Prairie winds pick up all the loose soil


What pushed Republicans to moreso favor small government in the 1920s?

1. They already had a strong relationship with big business, which preferred the government to be more hands off

2. They reacted to Wilson's big government approach during and after World War I, and since he was a Democrat they moved to the other side of the spectrum

3. Communist threat and Red Scare of 1919 pushed them more small government