What first funded healthcare legislation along with provided funds for medical clinics and prenatal education.
What is the Sheppard-Towner Act
Who wanted the start/started the beginnings of Prohibiton
What Is The Protestants
Who celebrated race pride through poetry and fiction.
Who is Langston Hughes, Clause McKay, Jean Toomer
What after WWI did the U.S. face before entering a period of economic growth?
What is Inflation
What surged reaching $7 Billion by 1927.
What is Consumer Lending
What administration helped create trade associations to stabilize prices and wages
What is Harding Administration
Prohibition Hailed as victory for
What Is, Health, Morals, and Christan Values
Who depicted African American Life through bold colors and shapes.
Who is Jacob Lawrance
What was prominent in industries like chemicals and electrial.
What is Mergers
What started to plunge in the late 1929 that signaled to what
What is the start of the great Depression
What did Republicans pursue to advance the U. S. business interests
What is Dollar Diplomacy
What was claimed for the moral decline of America that led 1924 to strict immigration quotas
What Is Nativism
What Originated in the South before WWI blending Blues, ragtime, and European music.
What is Jazz
By 1929 40% of households owned what?
What is Radio
What production fell by 37% and what all fell by 78% along with what in prices halved leading to what.
What is industrial, and Construction? What is Corps and raw materials leading to a financial strain.
Who was one of the Founders of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
Who is Jane Addams
What peaked in the 1920s with over three million members who wielded political influence, But these members started to decline due to anti Immigration Laws
What Is the Klu Klux Klan
What emerged as a hub for jazz for both black and white artists.
What is Harlem
Middle-Class Americans enjoyed products like?
What is Kellogg's cornflakes, Ford Model Ts, and house hold appliances.
What failed in the late 1930s and what lack of what resulted in lost savings for many.
What is Major Banks and What is Government Deposit Insurance
Who Proposed the Equal Rights Amendment and what did it aim to combat
Who is Alice Paul, What is Gender Discrimination
What was pushed in schools then led to a ban in Tennessee that eventually led to a trial of a teacher That ACLU challenged.
What is Creationism
Who are the artists we listened to on Tuesday
Who is Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong
What did working-class families often rely on self-help measures
What is Bartering and backyard Farming
Who faced higher unemployment rates
Who are African Americans