A composite breed is...
What is a breed developed from two or more previously established breeds?
The process of controlled heating to destroy microorganisms.
What is pasteurization?
The difference between a layer and broiler.
[LAYER] What is a chicken used for producing eggs for consumption?
[BROILER] What is a chicken produced for slaughtering meat purposes?
Gestation is...
What is the period when the female is pregnant?
The difference between an ewe and doe.
What is a female sheep (ewe) and female goat (doe)?
Describe eutrophication.
What is the promotion of excess growth of one organisms to the disadvantage of another organism in the ecosystem?
Condensed milk is...
What is milk with water removed and sugar added?
The process of shedding feathers.
What is molting?
This term is used to describe a commonly occurring or widespread within a herd or group.
What is endemic?
The disease is which number of red blood cells is abnormally low.
What is anemia?
A ration formulated to meet the animal's nutritional needs at the lowest cost from the feed available.
What is least-cost ration?
The function of the Babcock cream test.
What is the test for determining fat content in milk?
The term referring to the superiority of the outbred offspring relative to the parent populations included in the cross.
What is heterosis?
Describe the term "cross-fostering".
What is the moving of young from their dam and placing them with another female for rearing?
The term "anestrus" refers to...
What is the period when a nonpregnant female is not having regular heat cycles?
The definition of seed stock is as follows.
What is the brood stock intended for future production?
The term "gomer bull" refers to...
What is a bull rendered incapable of mating naturally?
What is the method to process feed in which it is first ground then forced through a die to give it a shape?
The term referring to having feed available at all times.
Describe flushing in regards to the sheep industry.
What is the practice of increasing feed to a female just before and during breeding season?
The term "stocker calf" refers to...
What is a weaned calf that is grown prior to being placed in a feedlot intended for finishing?
The effect of bovine somatotropin (BST) within dairy cattle. This hormone is produced in this gland.
What is the increase of milk production due to the pituitary gland?
Describe a trapnest.
What is a nest that traps a hen while laying so her egg production and quality can be recorded?
A "creep" refers to this area.
What is the area where young nursing animals can have access to high quality starter feed?
Prions is an infectious agent that has this effect on the body.
What is abnormal folding of proteins within the brain causing neurodegenerative diseases?