Economic Decline
Hoover's Presidency
The Dust Bowl
New Deal Programs
Civil Rights

What caused Black Tuesday?

stock market crash


In the election between Al Smith and Hoover, why did Hoover win by a landslide?

Al Smith was Catholic and an immigrant while Hoover was a "self-made man" and a volunteer during WW1


What activities led to the Dust Bowl?

poor farming practices, drought, removal of topsoil, etc.


What was the CCC? What did it do?

It was the Civilian Conservation Corps, and its goal was to conserve and plant new trees.


Which groups fought for civil rights?

Immigrants, Mexicans, workers, Black community, and the elderly


How does the low sale rates of consumer goods further worsen the economy?

No money is circulating, loss of jobs and demand for items


Why did Associationalism fail? Would it work today?

It didn't force businesses to help/invest to help the poor. 


Describe the Dust Bowl.

(many possible descriptions)


What was the responsibility of the AAA?

The Agricultural Adjustment Administration, or Act, was created to raise prices of agricultural commodities by offering cash to limit production of crops


Describe Civil Rights.

(multiple possible answers)


Why is the growing wage gap between the poor and the rich an important part of the Great Depression?

Those who are poor will be massively affected by the sudden drop of income with little hopes of regaining status


How did the RFC (Reconstruction Finance Corporation) fail to help aid poor citizens?

It only offered loaned to banks, building societies, and private industries. It attempted to bolster those businesses instead of spreading wealth where it was needed.


Why were migrants called "Okies?"

Mainly those from Oklahoma moving West. Looking for jobs and opportunities.


What was the importance of the NRA?

The National Recovery Admin was the reason for good wages, reasonable hours, the end of child labor, and the right to unionization for workers


What methods were used to push out Mexican immigrants from the US?

Deportation raids, "charity" rates with railroads to return Mexicans to mother country


Why was the Smoot-Hawley Tariff a bad idea?

The increase in tariff prices encouraged other countries to increase theirs as well, causing a halt in trade


Why is the conflict with the Bonus Army important?

It displayed that event those deemed as "worthy" for government aid were not going to receive any help-- government's fear of giving out money


Why were those in California so against migrants coming into the state? Is this pattern true today?

The competition for jobs, homes, and other societal necessities caused them to turn away migrant travelers. 


What did both the CWA and the WPA fight to accomplish?

Providing jobs to unemployed men and women through local governments

What happened with the Scottsboro Boys? What did it show; does it still occur today?

They were wrongly accused of a crime they did not commit, sentenced to prison/death, and only released AFTER successfully advocated for by the ILD. Racial discrimination;profiling;etc. Yes.


How do effects of the Great Depression still exist today?

Social Security, bank insurances, growing gap between poor and rich, unemployment aid, etc.


Why were the shantytowns with poor, unemployed people called "Hoovervilles?" What did this show?

It was a sort of insult in President Hoover for not handling the dropping economy. It showed that Americans were putting the blame on government and longing for a change.


Which themes did Dorothea Lange's "Migrant Mother" and John Steinbeck's "Grapes of Wrath" display? Are those themes still relevant in today's culture?

They both showed how lives were completely changed during the Great Depression and how migrants from the Dust Bowl faced worries and struggles of the future. (OPINION backed with FACT.)


What was the one major criticism of the New Deal Program?

It was too tame, not radical enough, "inside of the box," didn't do enough, etc.


Why did Roosevelt do very little to speak out about racial discrimination? How would this happen?

He did not want to provoke southern Democrats that would put his New Deal at risk.