The 4 key traits for this grouping are:
A. ancestral
B. derived
B. derived.
What are the 3 plant phyla we learned about in class?
Bryophytes, Gymnosperms, and Angiosperms.
What did land plants evolve from?
Green algae.
Name the 8 supergroups
Amoebazoans, Alveolates, Archaeplastida (Plantae), Stramenopiles, Rhizarians, Discobids, Metamonads, and Opisthokonts.
Why are they called Embryophytes?
Because of the dependency of the embryo from zygote of parent plant.
What phyla consists of non-vascular plants?
What three things cause pollination?
Wind, water, and animals.
Which 2 supergroups have a modified mitochondria, unique flagella, and occasionally a feeding groove?
Metamonads and Discobids.
Embryophytes are ____ plants.
A. Aquatic
B. Land
C. Both
B. Land Plants
What 3 plants we learned about are in Bryophytes?
Moss, liverworts, and hornworms.
How are vascular plants characterized?
Well developed roots, vascular tissue (xylem or phloem), and sporophyte dominant life cycles.
Which 2 supergroups go through secondary endosymbiosis?
Alveolates and Stramenopiles.
What are the technical terms for a female gametangia and a male gametangia?
Archegonia (female) and antheridia (male).
What 3 plants we learned about in class are in Angiosperms?
Flowering plants, grass, fruit trees.
What are the 3 F's?
Flower, double Fertilization, and Fruit
What supergroup is monophyletic?
Embryophytes have 4 key traits, the alteration of generations, multicellular gametangia, walled spores and _____. Name the function of this trait.
Apical meristems. Sustains continual growth in plant shoots and tips.
What 4 plants we learned about in class are in Gymnosperms?
Cycads, ginkgo, gnetophytes, and conifers
Does the life cycle of a pine go through meiosis or mitosis?
Archaeplastida (Plantae) evolved from what coloured algaes?
Red and green algae.