People & Places
Life on the Silk Road
A group of people traveling together.
What is a caravan
Ruled China from about 206 B.C.E. to 220 C.E., the period following the Qin dynasty.
Who are the Han

Traders used this animal to help carry their goods across the desert regions of the Eastern Silk Road because it is well adapted to the climate.

What is a camel

A network of roads along which traders travel.
What is a trade route

The central trading point at which the Eastern Silk Road and the Western Silk Road met.

What is Kashgar

This type of animal helped to carry goods on the Western Silk Road.
What is a yak
A loose robe worn by men in Rome
What is a toga
A Chinese explorer who is often called the Father of the Silk Road. His travels opened up the way for trade between China and its western neighbors.
Who is Zhang Qian

This part of the Silk Road exposed travelers to dangers such as lack of oxygen, narrow passes, steep cliffs, and snowstorms.

What is Western Silk Road?

A network of trade routes that stretched for more than four thousand miles across Asia.
What is the Silk Road
This empire's traders brought glassware to the Silk Road.
Who are the Romans
Weary travelers hoped to come to these places for shade, rest, and water. This was also one of the advantages of taking the northern route of the Silk Road.
What are oases
An image of something that isn't really there; such as water
What is a mirage
At the time of the Han dynasty, these people threatened China from the north.
Who are the Huns
This type of storm is common in areas with arid climates and occurs when a strong wind blows across a dry surface.
What is a sandstorm