Eissen Hower

What was the name of Trumans famous economy plan and what was it aiming to do? Did it succeed?

The Fair Deal, was the plan to change the US from a War Time Economy to a Peace Time Economy. 

The fair deal as a whole failed.

  1. Highest minimum wage.

  2. Social security changes

  3. A lot of things like national health care failed.


What was the Domino Theory?

the theory that if one nation becomes communist, the other countries near it will follow, creating a domino-like effect


How did the Palestine and Israeli Conflict Start?

  • Conflict mainly between Palestine and Israel

    • Israel illegally occupying and stealing Palestinian land

    • Started with the Balfour Declaration in 1917

Still ongoing today


What was Esienhower's opinion on tackling Racial issues?

  • Eisenhower had a passive approach to civil rights.

  • He refused to make civil rights for African Americans a moral crusade.


What is MAD

Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)

  • Refers to the full scale use of nuclear weapons by two sides that results in destruction for both nations.


What were 4 of Truman's Struggles?

  • Korean War

  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki

  • US economy

  • Berlin Blockade


What was Containment?

  • Foreign policy used by U.S. during Cold War to curb communism


What is the meaning of Nakba? When was the Nakba (historically speaking) and what happened?

Catastrophe;  ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Mandatory Palestine during the 1948 Palestine war through their violent displacement and dispossession of land, property, and belongings, along with the destruction of their society, and the suppression of their culture, identity, and political rights.


What is true about the individual wealth of middle class during Eisenhowers time as president?

During the 1950s the middle class was expanding and had more money than ever to spend.


What is a/the nuclear triad

  • Nuclear Triad means the capability of launching nukes from water, sky, and ground.


What did Truman do to contest domestic race issues?

(Hint, there are 2 main things we learned)

  • Condemns racial violence and appoints a committee on civil rights.

  • Desegregation of the military.


The Domino Theory is responsible for the US getting involved in which conflicts?

(Think beyond wars, there are 3 main ones)

Vietnam War

Korea War

Berlin Blockade


What is the meaning of Naksa and what was it?

It became known in the Arab world as al-naksa, the “setback.” This setback came on both a Palestinian level, as the remainder of the lands of historic Palestine were taken by Israeli  forces after their win in the Six Day War.


What was one of the major bills he signed into law that
"connected" (hint) the US

Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a bill called the Interstate Highway System into law which would connect states and increase the transportation of goods.


Name of the General leading US troops in the Korea War and what was his major controversy and why was it ironic?

Douglass Macarthur; 

  1. Macarthur took back South Korea, but then decided to invade North Korea’s capital and the China border which prompted China to fight supporting North Korea.

    1. Macarthur wanted to bomb China and was fired for insubordination by Truman.

    2. This was ironic since Truman previously was pro-bomb and Macarthur was anti-bomb


What was the Truman Doctrine?

A set of principles that strongly contested Communism by providing military and economic aid to countries threatened by Communism.


What was the Marshall Plan?

  • European Recovery plan

  • Aid to Western Europe after WW2

    • Started in 1948, over $18 billion.


What was the Skyes-Picot Agreement?

  • A secret agreement between Britain and France which would divide the spheres of influence of the Ottoman empire into separate territories


True or False: Eisen Hower was president before the korean War had just started

False: Dwight E. Eisenhower took over as president during the war and sought to end the war on July 27th, 1953.


What was the # of the parallel that divided North Korea and South Korea and which side had the support of which country(s)?

  1. The political dispute of the division of Korea at the 38th parallel:

    1. South: Syngman Rheea, Capitalist, US-supported

    2. North: Kim il Sung, Communist, USSR supported


List 5 major things Truman did (You can use answers from other questions to help)

  • Condemns racial violence and appoints a committee on civil rights.

  • Desegregation of the military.

  • Mexican Americans and the GI Forum.

  • He expanded Roosevelt’s Fair Deal into the New Deal.

  • He expanded the coverage of the Social Security act. 

  • He also increased the minimum wage.


What was the "Second Red Scare" who started it?

  • Senator McCarthy used scare tactics to target “communists” or allies.  Known as McCarthyism.  Recall how he targeted people and made them turn others in for “communism.


Name 2 of the Wars and what they were, and also mention the Summit that occurred

The Six Day War

  • Egypt, Jordan, and Syria fought in a war with Israel. Israel annexed Gaza Strip, Golan Heights, Sinai, West Bank, & East Jerusalem.

    Yom Kippur War

    • Egypt and Syria attack Israel in Sinai and the Golan Heights

      • UN Resolution 338 is passed, calls for a ceasefire

      • Arab Summit, 1974

        • Arab Summit (Rabat, Morocco) declares the PLO as the legitimate representative of Palestine


Name three major conflicts (Domestic or International) that happened during his time as president or before (that he was directly involved in)

Little Rock Incident

Suez Canal

Korean War

General for D-Day


Which two Wars were condemned by the US people for US involvement and why?

Vietnam War: Excess spending for no benefit + War crimes

Korea War: People criticized Truman as they blamed him for the stalemate and excess amounts of lives lost as a result