Great Depression
Great Depression
Great Depression
Great Depression
Great Depression

A long period of drought created the "___ Bowl" in the Midwest during the Depression.


This New Deal program hired people to build dams and generators that provided electricity to people in rural areas.
What is the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)?
This group demanded that Hoover authorize early payment of a promised military bonus.
What is the Bonus Army?
____________ authorized over a billion dollars in aid to financial institutions, but refused to help individual Americans
Who is Herbert Hoover?

Families would gather around the radio and listen to the President speak about the economy.

Fireside Chats

This nickname is given to the day the stock market crashed.
What is Black Tuesday?
_____________ lost the 1932 election mainly because Americans lost confidence in him and blamed him for the Depression.
Who is Herbert Hoover?
This group of people suffered the most during the Dust Bowl.
Who are farmers?

The passage of this act was the first time the government took responsibility for many citizen's economic and "social" well-being.

What is the Social Security Act?

These were planted during the Dust Bowl to try to stop erosion.
What are grass and trees?

Rooselvelt's plan for new programs for relief, recovery and reform was part of his 

New Deal

Some critics who thought the New Deal went too far, believed that it gave the president too much __________.
What is authority?
This was made up of programs that were developed after 1934, when democrats increased their majority in the US congress.
What is the Second New Deal?
Business were hurt by the stock market crash because many had lost their ____________ in failed banks and had to close or cut back.
What are savings?
This New Deal program employed more than 8.5 million people to build roads, bridges, and airports.
What is the Works Progress Administration (WPA)?
One of the main causes of the depression was the _______________ of goods when the market for goods was shrinking.
What is overproduction?
This New Deal program organized workers into unions based on industry, not skill level.
What is the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)?
This author wrote The Grapes of Wrath, about a family of farmers who had to move to find work during the Depression
Who is John Steinbeck?
The protection of money in ________ is one of the lasting effects of the Great Depression.
What are banks?
This name was given to areas where people built small shacks or lived in tents when they lost their homes due to the Depression.
What is Hoovervilles?
This New Deal program restored Americans' faith in banks because it guaranteed their money would be paid back if the bank failed.
What is the Emergency Banking Relief Act?

FDR wanted to appoint a new judge for every judge over the age of 70 who held a position on the Supreme Court?

FDR's court-packing bill


This Kingfish governor wanted to Share The Wealth

Huey Long

Eleanor Roosevelt convinced FDR to create this to help young workers stay in school.
What is the National Youth Administration (NYA)?

This tariff raised taxes on imports but did not help end the Depression.
