Depression- Why and How
The Government's Response
Alphabet Soup

A place where shares in corporations are bought and sold through an organized system.

What is the stock exchange/market?


The president at the time of the Great Depression

Who is Herbert Hoover?


This famous quote was spoken during FDR's inauguration speech and represents what he wanted the American people to embody. 

What is "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself"?


Which program encouraged businesses to set a minimum wage and abolish child labor? 

A. Securities and Exchange Commission 

B. Agricultural Adjustment Act 

C. National Recovery Administration 

D. Public Works Administration

C. National Recovery Administration


The stock exchange is the system used to buy and sell these, which represents partial ownership of a company.

What is a stock/shares?


Buying stocks is a way of doing this, which is the use of money in the hopes of making more of it.

What is investing?


What are "hoovervilles"?


FDR won the presidency running as a part of this political party.

What is the Democratic Party?


Which program aimed to bring power and environmental control to a specific part of the United States? 

A. Federal Emergency Relief Act 

B. Tennessee Valley Authority 

C. Public Works Administration  

D. Agricultural Adjustment Act

B. Tennessee Valley Authority 


The percentage of Americans out of work at the height of the Great Depression.

What is twenty-five percent?


These were producing more goods than people could buy, which drove the price of said goods down.

What are factories?


The name of the group of World War I veterans who demonstrated in Washington D.C with the hope of receiving money from the government for their heroism and sacrifice. 

What is the Bonus Army?


These radio conversations were intended to reach the public and gain their trust from the comfort of their own homes.

What are fireside chats?


Which program instructed the federal government to provide food and assistance to the individual states?

A. Federal Emergency Relief Act 

B. Tennessee Valley Authority 

C. Public Works Administration  

D. Agricultural Adjustment Act

A. Federal Emergency Relief Act 


FDR is a distant cousin of this former president.

Who is Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt?


The wealth gap between this group, which owned over 1/3 of the country's wealth, and everyone else was widening and helped lead to the market crash. 

Who are the rich/upper class?


The Reconstruction Finance Corporation feared giving these out to struggling businesses fearing that these would not be repaid. 

What are (risky) loans?


One of FDR's first moves as president was to close these which was part of the plan to increase trust in these institutions.

What are banks?


Which program paid farmers to destroy their product in an effort to raise their prices and help get them out of debt?

A. Securities and Exchange Commission 

B. Tennessee Valley Authority 

C. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 

D. Agricultural Adjustment Act

D. Agricultural Adjustment Act


Small banks suffered when this group of people defaulted on (failed to pay back) their loans, which were taken out to buy land, equipment and supplies to perform their job.

Who are farmers?


How those without the money were able to purchased shares of a company, also a major cause of the Depression.

What is "on margin"?


The president's out of touch slogan that meant a person should help themselves during the Great Depression brought upon Americans.

What is rugged individualism?


The term coined by FDR's administration and now used to describe the early part of a presidency when the vast majority of a president's agenda gets accomplished.

What is the the Hundred Days?


Which program helped boost the economy through the construction of bridges, roads, tunnels, shipyards and hospitals?

A. Federal Emergency Relief Act 

B. Tennessee Valley Authority 

C. Public Works Administration  

D. Agricultural Adjustment Act

C. Public Works Administration  


One of the New Deal programs paid farmers these in order for them not to use their land, which would make up the difference for the cost of the unused land. 

What are subsidies?