vocabulary matching
Being patient, flexible, and empathetic
What is What should help business people adapt their communication styles to appeal to clients from other cultures?
an organized effort to influence a company by refusing to purchase its products
What is boycott
because they use the 4 p’s and that’s what’s making them get more profit because they are using the 4 p’s in ways of matter to where they know how to promote the product.
What is Why do businesses that use the marketing concept benefit more from the marketing?
concern about the consequences of actions on others
What is social responsibility
Listen patiently and try to stay calm
What is What should salespeople do when they must cope with customers who are being disagreeable?
the organized actions of groups of consumers seeking to increase their influence on business practices
What is consumerism
¼ and 1/3, sales people, customer service representatives, warehouse managers, inventory specialists, marketing researchers, and many others have interesting financially rewarding careers because of the need for marketing.
What is What percentage of jobs in the United States involves the performance of marketing activities as a major job responsibility?
marketing activities designed to satisfy customer needs without negatively impacting the environment
What is green (environmental) marketing
Nature of the business
What is What is a factor that affects a business's selection of policies to guide its operations?
a set of standards or rules that guide ethical business behavior
What is code of ethics
because they use the 4 p’s and that’s what’s making them get more profit because they are using the 4 p’s in ways of matter to where they know how to promote the product.
What is Why do businesses that use the marketing concept benefit more from the marketing?
the sale of products and services to people in other countries
What is international trade
Product quality
What is Which of the following would be the most likely cause of customer complaints?
moral principles or values based on honesty and fairness
What is ethics
whatever products are being sold to help the environment are doing this. Maybe a new innovative type of recycled floor mat is out and that’s helping the environment!
What is How does marketing help environment?
an organized effort to influence a company by refusing to purchase its products
What is boycott
Follow the business's selling policies
What is What should a salesperson do when dealing with a customer who wants to return an unsatisfactory item?
taking personal responsibility for actions
What is self-regulation
they can create ways of non-electric fans and or products to sell around the areas that are having the heat problem.
What is If a heat wave in the west is causing electrical outages, how can marketing help alleviate the problem?
a set of standards or rules that guide ethical business behavior
What is code of ethics