Children, older patients, and patients with chronic illnesses
What are patients that may be more likely to experience shock from a burn
Put your gloved hand over it, then apply an occlusive dressing
How do you treat a neck wound
Are you having difficulty breathing? Are you having difficulty swallowing, are you having pain?
What are questions to ask your burn patient in addition to normal SAMPLE questions
3 types of burns
Superficial (1st degree), partial-thickness (second degree), full-thickness (third-degree)
Brush it away
How do you treat a burn from a dry chemcial
111 degrees F or higher
At what temperature can skin experience thermal burns
Place the flap of tissue back over the wound and apply a dressing
How do you treat an avulsion
These types of burns are not included in the BSA estimation of burn injury extent
What are superficial burns
Rule of 9's
What is 9% for each total arm, 18% for the front and 18% for the back of the chest, 9% for the front and 9% back of lower extremities
A large amount of deep tissue injury and possibly cardiac and/or respiratory arrest
What are some complications of electrical burns
Temperature, concentration, amount of heat energy, and duration of exposure
What does the severity of a thermal burn correlate with
Cover it with a moist sterile dressing, then apply an occlusive dressing and towels over that to keep it warm
How do treat an eviseration
Burns that extend through all skin layers and involve the subcutaneous layers, muscle, bone, or internal organs
What are 3rd degree or full thickness burns
Roughly equal to 1% of the patient's body surface area
What are the patient's palms
Alpha, beta, gamma
What are the three types of ionizing radiation with gamma being the worse
Burns of an extremity that can lead to compartment syndrome
What are circumferential burns
Never remove it; just stabilize and transport it unless the airway is an issue
How do you treat an impaled object
Sterile burn sheet
What should you use to wrap a burn patient in
Singed facial hair, soot present in or around the airway, burns on the face
What are some signs of inhalation of superheated gases
4 x 4's, gauze pads, bandaids, roller gauze, bulky trauma pads
What are some types of dressings
5 factors that determine the severity of a burn patient
What is the depth of burn, the extent of the burn, critical areas burned, preexisting medical conditions, or older than 55 or younger than 5
Amputated part
Wrap it in a dry sterile dressing, place it in a plastic bag, and keep it cool
Infection, hypothermia, hypovolemia
What are 4 thinks a burn patient is at high risk for
What do you have to be concerned with if your cooling a burn that covers a large surface area
Always consider this when a group of people are all sick at the same time
What is carbon monoxide poisoning