Explorers 2
Short Answer and Essay
a buyer and seller of goods
What is a merchant
This Italian explorer had the New World named after him, called The Americas
Who is Amerigo Vespucci
This explorer was a Porutguese captain, searching for gold and silver. He was searching for the far east and his voyage proved the world was round. He was the first to circumnavigate the globe
Who is Magellan
Columbus was from this country
What is Italy
English sailors defeated Spain's fleet, which is called the _____________________ and _______________'s power increased.
What is 1.) Spanish Armada 2.) England
the act of traveling, especially by sea
What is voyage
This explorer was determined to conquer the Incas and forced them into slavery
Who is Pizzaro
This English explorer had the 2nd expedition around the world
Who is Drake
Columbus wanted to find a ___________________ route to the _______________
What is 1.) water 2.) New World
_________________ was the first colony formed in Virginia and named to honor their king
What is Jamestown
a fleet of warships
What is armada
This explorer was from Italy, but sent by England. He claimed Newfoundland for England
Who is Cabot
This Spanish explorer was searching for gold and silver. He defeated the Aztecs in Mexico and defeated Montezuma
Who is Cortes
Columbus set sail in the year ________________ on the ships _________________, ___________________, ___________________.
What is 1.) 1492 2.) Nina 3.) Pinta 4.) Santa Maria
____________________ is called the lost colony because all of the colonists had disappeared.
What is Roanke
a written agreement granting power in the name of state of country
What is charter
This Spanish explorer named Florida, which means flower. He was searching for gold and silver, and the fountain of youth
Who Ponce de Leon
What was the Northwest Passage and why did it fail?
It was a water route through North America to Asia that did not exist, so that is why it failed
Columbus created the first Spanish colony in the New World and named it _______________
What is Hispanioloa
Essay - What is your theory about what happened to the colonists of Roanoke Island, the Lost Colony? *must be realistic (5-7 sentences)
Will except any realistic theory
a group of people living in a new land under rule of a native land
What is colony
This explorer was the first person to see the Pacific Ocean from the Eastern Shore
Who is De Balboa
This explorer wanted to claim land and establish a permanent colony in North America for England
Who is Walter Raleigh
Columbus found the first island/people and named them ______________ which means Indians.
What is Indios
Essay - Was King James I of England a fair ruler? Why or why not? Would you have wanted to leave England for the New World? (need 2 facts to support your answer) (5-7 sentences)
I do not think King James was a fair ruler because he was a strict religious leader. He did not allow anyone to go against his wishes. The people wanted religious and political freedoms so they wanted to leave England and go to the New World. I would have left England, even though it would have been a terrifying adventure. If I went to the New World, at least I could live in a place where I could have my own beliefs and ideas, even if it is scary.