The land that is present day Kansas
Gran Quivira
a city in New Mexico named for the Holy Faith
Santa Fe
What were the 2 things that the Spanish landlords were supposed to do for the natives under their care?
1. take care of them (food/shelter/protection)
2. Share the Gospel with them
an Indian medicine man
The Spanish Franciscan missionary who went to CALIFORNIA and established many missions and brought the Faith to the Indians there
Junipero Serra
What did King Charles I do to show he cared for the Indians in New Mexico?
He passed laws banning cruelty towards them.
a fortress
a bay named after St. Francis of Assisi
San Francisco Bay
Give at least 2 examples of what Bishop Zumarraga and Bartolome de Las Casas did for the Indians.
Answers will very.
Alta California
A Spanish missionary who was known to be a great conquistador of Christ. He protected the Indians and even died sharing the Faith with them.
Juan de Padilla
What were 2 of the reasons that the Pueblo Indians in New Mexico revolted against the Spanish?
1. Poor treatment
2. Heavy taxes and labor
a cloak made of cactus fibers
a Spanish settled bay that means King's Mountain
Monterey Bay
Why did the Indians ask the Spanish to come back to Santa Fe.
They did not like living conditions under Pope.