Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 4-5
Chapter 5

What did George leave on the bathroom floor?


How was Stuart able to turn on the faucet?

By hitting it with a wooden hammer.


Who is Snowbell and what color are they? You must get both correct.

A white cat


What happened when Stuart jumped to catch the ring attached to the window shade? 

The window shade rolled up with Stuart inside of it and trapped him there at the top of the window.


Why couldn't The Little's hear Stuart when he called back "I'm Here!" when the family shouted "Stooooo-art!"?

Stuart's voice was too weak because he was trapped in the window shade.


How did Stuart get to the washbasin (sink)?

He climbed a ladder that his dad made


How was Stuart able to turn on the light in the bathroom?

His dad had connected a string that reached to the floor and Stuart could pull on it with all of his weight.


What did Stuart put on every morning and what did he carry in his hand?

He put on a hat and carried a cane


What do Stuart's parents thing happened to him at the end of the chapter?

They think Stuart went into the mousehole.


Double Bonus Question!!

What did the Little's eat for lunch on the day that Stuart went missing?

Lamb Stew


What's one reason that Stuart enjoyed being the first one up in the morning? 

* Double points if you can name all 3 reasons*

The light of the day

The fresh smell of the day

The quiet rooms with books standing still on the shelves


What did Stuart do every morning when he woke up?

*Double points if you can name exactly what he did and how many times he did it*

He touched his toes ten times.



What did Snowbell show Stuart?

Two rows of gleaming white teeth



What did George try to do to help find Stuart? Why did he think that was a good idea?

Put applesauce in the mousehole so that it would drip down to where he was.


What did George become distracted by in the cellar when he went there to look for Stuart?

An old rowing machine

What size of soap, washcloth, and toothbrush did Mrs. Little give to Stuart to use?

A "doll's" size


Why did Stuart say he couldn't turn on the faucet?

Stuart couldn't turn on the faucet because ______________________________________.

He couldn't brace his feet against anything.


What did Snowball do when Stuart was trapped in the window shade? Snowball did 4 things. Please tell me 3 of the things Snowball did.

Snowball lept to the windowsill, picked up his hat and cane, walked to the pantry, and set Stuart's things in front of the mousehole.


Why did the Bureau of Investigations hang up the phone in disgust when Mr. Little was informing the man on the phone of a missing person?

He hung up in disgust because Mr. Little said that Stuart was 2 inches tall and the man thought he was lying to him/ joking around and wasting his time. (Even though we know that Mr. Little WAS telling the truth)


Why did George want to lower the curtains in the house when they couldn't find him and Mrs. Little was worried they never would?

To pay respect to the dead because she thought Stuart was dead.


Members of the family said that when Stuart turned on the faucet it sounded like ____________________.

A faraway blacksmith

What did George get out to help Stuart be able to turn on the faucet? There were 6 items. You need to name 5 of them.

Boards, a saw, a hammer, a screwdriver, a brad-awl, and some nails.


Stuart said his stomach muscles were like __________________.

Iron Bands


Mrs. Little was so overjoyed to see Stuart that she ________________________. (2-3 word answer)

Continued to cry


What items did George have to move in the cellar to get to the thing that distracted him for the rest of the morning? Please name 4. There were 6 items.

trunks, suitcases, flower pots, baskets, boxes, and broken chairs.