Old Famous Dead People
Exploration is Cool
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New World Orderly
This was the leader of the first expedition to sail around the world.
Who is Ferdinand Magellan
This famous route was believed to be a shortcut to Asia. Many explorers wanted to find it so that they could set up trade routes that would bring them wealth and power.
What is the Northwest Passage
What are two facts that later proved that Christopher Columbus' beliefs about the lands he reached were wrong.
Amerigo Vespucci did not see lands that matched Marco Polo's descriptions of Asia. Balboa's crew reached the Pacific Ocean proving that Amerigo Vespucci was right about an unknown continent.
These type of maps allow for people to see how high above sea level or below sea level some areas of land are.
What are elevation maps
Where did Mr. Ackerman go to college?
What is the University of Iowa
This explorer was the leader of the army who conquered the Aztec in Mexico.
Who is Hernando Cortes
This country sponsored Christopher Columbus' expedition across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492
What is Spain
Columbus needed the support of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to pay for the costs of his voyage. During the _______, the king and queen were too busy fighting a war to support Columbus.
What is the Reconquista
This word is used to describe scientific knowledge and tools.
What is technology.
Name one way Fernando Cortes was able to conquer the Aztec Empire.
What are better weapons, horses, and the ability to divide and conquer.
This man explored and claimed for Spain what is now the State of Florida.
Who is Juan Ponce de Leon
This explorer believed that the lands he reached in 1492 were Asia.
Who is Christopher Columbus
Name a cost of expeditions for explorers and their sponsors
What is Money, ships could sink, or an explorer might not find anything of value.
This was the name of the new type of ship that was built with special sails that made sailing faster and easier.
What is the caravel.
This type of tool told sailors they were going north, south, east, or west.
What is the compass.
This explorer found the land that connects the Americas and became the first Spanish explorer to reach the Pacific Ocean.
Who is Vasco Nunez de Balboa
Explored and claimed for Spain much of what is now the Southwestern United States
Who is Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
Name a benefit of expeditions for explorers and their sponsors.
What are gold, furs, and other valuable resources, claiming new lands, gaining power, spreading christianity.
This type of marine sailing tool allowed for sailers to find their latitude based on the height of the sun or the North Star.
What is the Astrolabe.
This sailing tool kept very accurate time and was used by sailors to find their longitude.
What is the Chronometer.
Explored and claimed for Spain much of the southern half of what is now the United States
Who is Hernando de Soto
European explorers faced three distinct problems.
They needed better maps and technology for long voyages. They needed a lot of money to pay the costs of their expeditions. They faced great dangers in exploring unknown seas and lands.
This explorer was mutinied by his own crew.
Who was Henry Hudson
This group of Europeans reached North America about 500 years before Columbus.
What are the Vikings
This Spanish conquistador took control of the Inca empire in Peru.
Who was Francisco Pizarro