an electrochemical form of energy that helps the body communicate within itself
what is a neuron
when energy travels down a neuron it is electric, but when it crosses the synapse it is ________
what is chemical
this part of the nervous system contains the brain and spinal cord
what is the Central Nervous System
new memories enter here, as well as the sense of smell
what is the hippocampus
a lack of this neurotransmitter can cause depression
what is serotonin
this part of the neuron contains cell parts like the nucleus, DNA, and ribosomes
what is the soma
this is the active live firing of a neuron
what is action potential
if this part of someone's nervous system is overdeveloped, they might be unusually calm and relaxed
what is the Parasympathetic Nervous System
this pencil-shaped structure keeps the brain consciously alert and awake
what is the reticular formation
the "feel good", short-term addictive neurotransmitter
what is dopamine
this part of the neuron has two main functions: to protect the axon, and to speed up transmission
what is the myelin sheath
these are cells that bind neurons together; they contain sodium and potassium
what are glial cells
this part of the nervous system helps us to respond to stressful situations, but decreases our ability to think rationally
what is the Sympathetic Nervous System
also known as the "little brain," this monitors coordination, fine muscle movement, and balance
this neurotransmitter affects muscular control and heart contractions
what is acetylcholine
this sends the neural signal to the next neurons
what are the vesicles
this law explains that either a neuron fires or it doesn't at all
what is the All-or-Nothing Principle
These neurons carry impulses from sensory stimuli to the Central Nervous System
what are afferent (sensory) neurons
this brain structure regulates blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing while we sleep
what is the medulla
this is released in response to stressful, exciting, or dangerous situations
what is adrenaline
this part of the neuron releases neurotransmitters
what are the terminal buttons
this explains that leftover neurotransmitters in the synapse are reabsorbed by the neuron that fired them
what is reuptake
These neurons carry impulses away from the Central Nervous Systems to muscles to cause movement
what are efferent (motor) neurons
the lateral half of this tells us when we're hungry, and the ventromedial half tells us when we're full
what is the hypothalamus
this acts a natural painkiller and can produce a feeling of euphoria
what are endorphins