What was a typical Dakota home called?
A typical Dakota home was called a _____________.
Tipi / Teepee
How many original coucil fires of the Dakota are there?
True or False: The Dakota used money to trade for things they needed.
In the story, The Badger and the Bear, what value or lesson did the badger show to the bear?
Who owned everything in the tipi?
Dakota women
The money you make for doing a job is called _____________.
What does Dakota translate to?
Ally or Friend
How did the Dakota people get what they needed? (3 ways)
Gathered it, made it themselves, or traded for it.
In the story, The Ghost-Wife, what did the man do to disrespect with wife and family?
He broke his promise of never raising his voice inside the tipi.
What is another name for the Dakota that means snake or enemy?
The knowledge and skills someone has to enhance their ability to earn income is called _____________.
Human Capital
How did the Dakota view time?
In a circle or cycle
What is one way to improve your human capital?
Practice skills, receive education and training, stay healthy and be productive, or connect with people who can help them (experts).
Who in the Dakota community is usually responsible for passing on oral history to children?
What is the name of the boxes the Dakota made to store their belongings that were made out of animal skins?
Parfleche boxes
What does Mni Sota Makoce translate to in English?
Mni Sota Makoce transltate to _____________.
The land where the waters are so clear they reflect the coulds in the sky.
Which four modern-day states have Dakota communities or reservations?
USA: Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska
What was a highly valued skill in Dakota society? (Three options are correct, you only need to say one of the correct answers to get the points)
Hunting skills
Being generous
Teaching oral history
How can we start to understand what life was like for people who lived so long ago?
We can start by ________________________.
We can start by listening to their stories.
What was one way to show respect while inside the tipi?
Talk softly
No running / tripping over things
Don't watch other sleep
Don't go through other peoples belongings
Don't look into the eyes of your elders when they are speaking to you.
The close connections someone had with their family members is called _____________.
What are the three dialects of the Dakota?
How did young Dakota children invest in their human capital?
Practiced hunting skills and learned from expert hunters.
Why do Elders use oral history? (2 reasons)
To connect the Dakota people to each other and to their past
The Dakota moved here in the spring time and turned mapple sap into syrup.
Sugar Camps