Fire class
Chain of Infection
CDC Recommended vaccines
Personal Protective Equipment

I cause fires via combustible materials. 

a) class A

b) Class D

c) class K

I am class A. (pg. 111)


There is one thing that stops the spread of microbes?

Hand washing


There are many microbes you as a healthcare worker will come in contact with. However, each healthcare worker is encouraged to have this vaccine?

Hepatitis B


Which of the following is an example of a work practice control that reduces the risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens?

a) HBV vaccination

b) Hand decontamination

c) a biohazard symbol

1- B- hand decontamination


A sign posted on the door of pt. in contact isolation states that all who enter the room must use soap and water to wash their hands; this spore-forming microbe ight be____:

I am Clostridium difficile ( C. Diff)


I am class __ which occurs with high-temperature cooking oils, grease or fats.

a) Class A

b) Class D

c) Class K

I am a class K fire (pg. 111)


I am the fourth link in the chain of infection; I can be airborne, via contact, droplet and or a vector. I am

Means of transmission


This vaccine is offered to all persons yearly, however, it is suggested that healthcare workers obtain this shot annually, one dose.

influenza (flu)


A N-95 respirator must be worn when entering the room of a pt. who has which type of precaution sign on the door?

a) contact

b) Droplet

c) Airborne

2- Many pts can become sick while in the hospital what is the name of the abbreviation used to identify the infections obtained in the hospital and or homecare: HAI

1- C- Airborne

2- Healthcare Associated Infection


your pt. is in shock, what is the first action that you take?

a) call for help

b) maintain an open airway

c) control bleeding

B- Maintain an open airway.


There are 4 components that fuel a fire: O2, heat, chemical reaction  and fuel all form a fire _________.



I entered your body via your eyeball orifice. You picked me up by touching the blood vial without gloves and then you rubbed your eyes to push your hair out of your face?

5th link in the chain of infection : Entry Pathway


This is  a 2 part question:

1- This vaccine is offered every 10 years after the first dose is given. This is which vaccine.

2- Two doses of this vaccine is given, one dose today and the next dose in 28 days or serologic immunity test (titer) is perform.

1-Tsap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis)

2- MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella)


1- What is the FIRST thing that a phlebotomist is to do in the event of an accidental needlestick?

a) clean the site with alcohol and put a band-aid on it.

b) Wash the site with soap and water for at least 30 seconds

c) Wash the site with soap and water for at least 60 seconds

2- The purpose of "PROCTIVE" isolation is to:

a) Provide a safe environment for psychiatric pts.

b) Protect pts who are highly substile to infection

c) Prevent airborne transmission of contagious diseases

1- B Wash the site with soap and water for 30 seconds



This is a 2 part question:

1) Where are health hazards indicated in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) diagram?

a) white quadrant

b) red quadrant

c) blue quadrant

2-Who supplies safety data sheets (SDS)

a) Chemical manufacturers 

b) Laboratory safety officers

c) OSHA compliance officer

1- C- blue quadrant

2- A Chemical manufacturers


This is a 3 part question:

1- NFPA is the name of what organization?

2- In the even of a fire NFPA  states that you are to (acronym and what each mean):

3-Foam is used to distinguish me, I am class ____

1- National Fire Protection Association

2- R.= Rescue, A=Alarm, C= Confine the fire, E= Extinguish

3- Class B (pg. 112)


I am the 3rd link in the chain of infection: it can be spread via the blood, and or secretions.

Exit pathway.


This is a 2 part question:

1- Employees must be offered this vaccine within 10 days of initial employment; and its free for employees via the employer.

2-the Needlestick Safe and Prevention Act directed OSHA to revise the BBP standard in all of the following areas except:

a) modification of definition relating to engineering controls.

b) new requirements for record-keeping for all needle sticks.

c) availability of vaccination against HBV for all employees.

1- HBV (Hepatitis B vaccine)

2- C Availability of vaccination against HBV for all employees.


This is a 3 part question:

1- Your book discussed many examples of nosocomial infections. which one below is one of them?

a) when a healthcare worker contracts hep B from a needlestick

b) when a catheter site of a pt. in ICU become infected.

c) When a pt. is admitted with symptoms of Hanta virus.

2- According to CLSI guidelines, scrubs or slacks worn in the lab should be ___ to __ inches off the floor

1- B

2- 1 1/2 to 2 inches


1- According to standard first aid procedures, severe external bleeding is best controlled by:

a) keeping the injured area below the level of the heart

b) applying direct pressure

c) applying a tourniquet

2- Which body fluid is least likely to contain a bloodborne pathogen?

a) Spinal fluid

b) sweat

c) Sputum

True or False:

A severe burn pt may be placed in protective isolation

1- B

2- B- sweat

3- True


This is a 2 part question:

1-I am the main principles involved in radiation exposure: 

a) time of day, amount of radiation and source

b) exposure time, distance, and shielding

c) exposure time, radiation level and glove use

2- To comply with the latest HazCom revision, the label of a hazardous chemical must include a:

a) GHS hazard statement

b) hazard class pictogram

c) severity signal word

d) none of the above

e) all of the above are correct

I cause electrical fires: 

a) class A

b) Class C

c) Class K

1- B- Exposure time, distance and shielding

2- E- All of the above are true.

3- Class C


This is a 3 part questions:

1- I am responsible for causing an infection I am known as __________

2- I am the source of the infection; I am called a _____, this is the time that I grow, multiply, and can be found on/in humans, animals, food, water, soiled and even medical equipment

3- There are 3 types of transmission-based precautions are:

1- Infectious agent or causative agent

2- Reservoir

3- Airborne precautions, Droplet precautions and Contact precautions


This is a 3 part question:

1-There are policies that require all blood and body fluid to be treated as if they were potentially infectious for HIV and HBV, this is known as :

a) Regulatory compliance

b) Infection control

c) Standard precautions

2- Which is an example of employee screening for infection control?

a) HBV

b) Immune globulin shots

c) PPD testing

3-Vaccination against HBV involves:

a)3 doses of vaccine, each 3 months apart, then yearly doses there after

b) a dose of vaccine, a second dose 1 month later, and the 3rd dose 6 months later.

c) One single dose of vaccine that normally confers immunity for a lifetime.

1- C- Standard precautions

2- C-PPD

3- B- A dose of vaccine, a 2nd dose one month later, 3rd dose 6 months later


PPE is very important. the following questions are about the removal of the PPE equipment--this is a 4 part question:

1-When donning a complete set of PPE, such as a gown, mask and gloves, the ____ is put on first.

2- After question #1 is done, the next step is to put on _____.

3- When removing PPE, which item (gown, mask, and gloves) are moved first:______

4- After you have removed the above item, what should be removed last:_____.

1- Gown is first

2- Mask (respirator)

3- Gloves (pg. 96)

4- Mask


This is a 4 part question:

1- According to HAI, for the first time, the most common healthcare associated pathogen is:____

2- Body fluid (spit) splashed into your eyes. What are you to do?

3-An inspector is in the lab to check on engineering controls and PPE compliance. Which agency does the individual represent?


b) CDC


4- The OSHA HazCom Standard is also commonly called the ___________ law.

1- C. diff

2- flush the eye with sterile saline solution or water for 10-15 minutes

3- C

4- Right to know law