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One of the leaders of the Colony of Jamestown/Virginia who was famous for saying "those who do not work, do not eat." Also famous for stories about being saved by Pocahontas.

Who was John Smith?


The group of people that founded the territories where New York, New Jersey, and Delaware would end up once the British took control.

Who were the Dutch?


The geography/weather of the New England Colonies.

What is rocky soil, mountaineous regions, cold, harsh winters, and short growing seasons for crops?


List job/industries of the Southern Colonies.

What was farming/plantation owners for specifically cash crop farming?


The British document made in 1215 by the Nobles that limited the King's power and created the Rule of Law as well as giving certain rights to Englishman.

What was the Magna Carta?


The major religious belief of most of the New England Colonies.

What was Puritanism?


The leader of the colony of Pennsylvania known for being a Quaker.

Who was William Penn?


The founder of the Colony of Connecticut and founded it after bringing Puritans with him from Massachusetts.

Who is Thomas Hooker?


The geography/weather of the Middle Colonies.

What is fertile land, with mild winters and longer groing seasons for crops?


List jobs/industries of the Middle Colonies.

What was fishing, shipbuilding, blacksmiths, iron products, farming for wheat, corn, and rye?


The document made by the Pilgrims when they landed in the New World that created a form of self-government for the Pilgrims to survive.

What was the Mayflower Compact?


The religious beliefs that the Middle Colonies allowed.

What is Religious freedom or religious toleration?


The leader of the Colony of Rhode Island who was banned from Massachusetts for speaking about religious freedom.

Who was Roger Williams?


This man was the leader of what was known as the Massachusetts Bay Colony. This colony would eventually combine with the Plymouth Colony and end up forming the whole state of Massachusetts.

Who is John Winthrop?


The geography/weather of the Southern Colonies.

What is flat, fertile land for growing crops, long growing seasons, and warm/mild winters?


List jobs/industries of the New England Colonies.

What was shipbuilding, lumber trade, fishing, and whaling?


A document created by the British Parliament after overthrowing King James II in the Glorious Revolution that listed new rights for Englishman and limited the King's power even further.

What was the English Bill of Rights?


The Southern Colonies religion.

What is no major religion or Anglicans?


Started the Colony of Maryland as a safe haven for Catholics of England. Eventually allowed all religions to practice there.

Who was Lord Baltimore?


This man was the leader of the Plymouth Colony. This colony would eventually become part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and form the entire Massachusetts state.

Who is William Bradford?


Name three colonies in the Southern Colonies region.

What were Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland?


The nickname of the Middle Colonies because they grew rye and wheat.

What was the Breadbasket Colonies?


A government used in Virginia that was a bicameral system where people elected two members per district to one house and the other was chosen by the British government.

What was the Virginia House of Burgesses?


The only New England Colony that allowed religious freedom or toleration.

What was Rhode Island?


Began the Colony of Georgia as a place for debtors adn criminals to pay off their debts in the New World.

Who was John Oglethorpe?


This group of men founded the Colony of Carolina which would eventually split into the Colonies of North and South Carolina. They were given a funds to start these colonies by the King.

Who are the Lords Proprietors?


Name three colonies in the New England region.

What were Mssachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Connecticut?


List four of the major cash crops grown in the Southern Colonies.

What were Tobacco, Cotton, Indigo, and Rice.


A government in the Colony of Massachusetts that was broken into a Royal Governor, Deputy Governor, and General Assembly.

What was the General Court?


Maryland was started as a place to protect this religion.

What is Catholicism?