Key Concepts
Key Concepts/ First Occupants
First Occupants Continued
First Occupants Continued/ French Regime
French Regime
Customs, ideas, values, beliefs and perceptions about the world shared by a society.
What is culture?
The traditions, achievements, beliefs, etc. that are part of the history of a group or nation.
What is heritage?
A belief that consists of attributing spirits to objects, plants and animals.
What is animism?
True or false: drum, smokes and shamans do not have spiritual roles?
What is false?
Missionaries tried to set up missions to convert Iroquois, but had to abandon them because the Iroquois were so hostile.
What is true?
Ideas and beliefs that influence society's view of the world during a specific time period.
What is currents of thought?
A particular system of faith and worship.
What is religion?
First nations chiefs maintained power by showing their generosity
What is true?
List the 7 European goods the were obtained through trade and that gradually became integrated into aboriginal culture.
What is iron, steel, brass materials, cotton, wool clothing, introduction of firearms and alcohol?
They kept watch over the colonists.
What is the Catholic Church?
Expression of human creative skill and imagination in the form of visual, auditory works mainly for their beauty or emotional power.
What is art?
Interpreted dreams, healed the sick, had visions and performed rituals.
What do Shamans do?
BLANK preserved friendly relations between different native groups.
What are rituals?
The objective of the Catholic church with the natives.
What is converting the natives?
The main groups of people who showed their independent spirit and the adaptability of the Canadiens.
Who is the Merchants, the Habitants and the Coureurs de bois?
Receiving instruction with regards to different disciplines in order to enlighten one's mind.
What is education?
Great BLANK for the environment as they realized that the natural environment allowed them to survive.
What is respect?
Qualities related to choosing the chief within WHAT society include being eloquent and being an excellent hunter.
What is a nomadic society?
Spreading Catholicism throughout the world.
What is the role of the Jesuits?
Fur trading without a permit, living in an Amerindian territory and resistance to authority are examples of.
What is cultural expression associated with the independence of the Canadiens?
A set of person or group's characteristics that distinguish them from others.
What is identity?
The two ways that native peoples expressed the importance of the environment.
What are ceremonies at the change of season and building animal totems?
Qualities related to choosing the chief within WHAT society include being eloquent, an orator and being an excellent warrior.
What is a sedentary society?
The native group that was hostile toward the missionaries.
What is the Iroquois?
The king gets his powers directly from God and his power is absolute (he does not answer to anyone but God).
What is absolutism?