The name of the conflict that divided the world.
What is the Cold War?
Economic theory in which Duplessis believed in.
What is economic liberalism?
Year that the Quebec flag was adopted.
What is 1948?
Demographic phenomenon from 1945-1970.
What is the Baby boom?
Urban Agglomeration.
What are suburbs?
Influence of American culture.
What is Americanism?
Law that shut down any building and imprisoned workers if they were believed to be spreading communist propaganda.
What is the Padlock law?
Duplessis' slogan for provincial autonomy.
What is "Cooperation always, assimilation never."?
Sector where government spending will have to increase to accommodate the aging population.
What is healthcare or pensions?
Infrastructure developed at this time to facilitate accessibility.
What are highways or metros?
A way in which the American culture could influence the Qc population?
What is advertising?
The name of Duplessis' political party.
What is the Union Nationale?
Country that was benefiting from Qc natural resources during the Duplessis Era.
What are the United states of America?
Population that continues to have children.
Who are the Indigenous people?
Electricity being brought to farms.
What is rural electrification?
What is May 1968 in France?
The community that was subsidized by Duplessis.
What is the Catholic church?
Duplessis' nickname.
What is "le chef"?
Main reason for decrease in birth rate in 1970's.
What is contraception?
regulate the use of agricultural land to prevent it from being exploited for other purposes.
What is Act Respecting Preservation of Agricultural Land and Agricultural Activities.
The establishment of an Inuit population in the territories near the Arctic circle.
What is Canadian sovereignty?
The groups that opposed Duplessis government.
What are unions and intellectuals?
Name if the magazine which gave Duplessis' opponents a platform.
What is Cite Libre?
Quebec was allowed to develop it's own criteria to select its immigrants.
What is Ministry of Immigration?
Region exploited for Iron by America.
What is Cote-Nord?