Health data
Public health information
Public Health information pt. 2

The definition of health communications is 

What is the methods for collecting, compiling, and presenting health information?


Public health data can help with this

Data can help with describing problems, examine etiology, assist with evidence-based recommendations, and examine options for implementation, and help with evaluating outcomes 

The definition of population health status measures

Population health status measures are quantitative measures of large populations

The definition of dread effect

The dread effect are hazards that easily produce very visual and feared consequences


What is an example of misinformation? 

Vaccinations causing autism is one example


The definition of public health surveillance is

Collection of health data as the basis for monitoring and understanding health problems, generating hypotheses about etiology, and evaluating the success of interventions


This is where public health data comes from

1. Data from public health surveillance are collected, published, and distributed without identifying specific individuals.

2. Data from different sources are increasingly being combined to create integrated health data systems or databases.


These three measures are what population health status measures. 

1. Infant mortality rate

2. Life expectancy

3. Under-5 mortality


This describes what effect: hazards we lack experience with may elicit more fear.

What is the unfamiliarity effect


One advantage and disadvantage of informed decision making

Advantage: patient understands the nature of the problem or the nature of the treatment

Disadvantage: Time consuming compared to inform of decision 


This is the difference between misinformation, disinformation, and incomplete information

Misinformation is any inaccurate information believed by the user to be true, disinformation is false information that is deliberately spread, and incomplete information is accurate information that does not depict the full picture and can be misleading. 


This is what the 7 S's are of Quantitative Sources of public health data

Small case or small series, Statistics, Surveys or sampling, self-reporting, sentinel monitoring, syndromic surveillance, social media


These are how to measure the quality of health information 

Overall site quality, Authors, Information, Relevance, Timeliness, Links, Privacy

The definition of the uncontrollability effect. 

The uncontrollability effect is when hazards out of our control are perceived as more threatening.


This is the difference between health disparities and health differences

Health disparities are preventable differences in populations that are disadvantaged by their social, economic, or environmental statuses. Health differences are the differences between one population and another (worse health of elderly compared to young adults). 


The definition of data justice and why it is important. 

Data justice is an approach that redresses ways of collecting and disseminating data that have invisibilized and harmed historically marginalized communities


This is why the misclassification of racial data matters

Misclassification regarding race can cause underreporting of important data like during COVID-19, or over-reporting data for specific groups of people. 


This is how to correctly display public health information

Using either X-Y graphics, Geometric graphics, Pie charts and taking into account the degree of health literacy of the audience


What are the three approaches to making healthcare decisions?

1. Inform of decision

2. Informed consent

3. Shared-decision making


This is the cliff analogy

The cliff analogy depicts different levels of health interventions from quality of care, access to care, and differences in underlying exposures and opportunities. Focuses on highlighting the importance of addressing the underlying issues to why individuals to not have a net or an ambulance, but also why they are being pushed closer to the edge.