Small muscle coordination
Ex: Cutting with scissors, turning pages, and doing puzzles
What are fine motor skills
He believed we had to conquer 4 levels of development before we reach full human intelligence
What is Jean Piaget Cognitive Development Theory
He studied Classical Conditioning and the Behaviorism Theory of Learning
Who is Ivan Pavlov
He believed that it was necessary to study a person as a whole as the grow and develop over their lifetime because people act with values
What is Abraham Maslow's Humanistic Education
Physical changes in size such as gaining weight and height
what is growth
The gradual increase in skills and abilities that occur over a lifetime
What is development
He focused on the development of personality, he believed that personality development occurs during 8 stages of life
What is Erickson's Psychosocial Theory
He studied Operant Conditioning and the Behaviorism Theory of Learning
Who is B.F. Skinner
Education based on needs and interest of students. Emphasis on natural and social sciences
What is John Dewey's Progressive Education
Motor skills that develop in a child
Ex: walking, running, and jumping
What are gross motor skills
The sequence in which children learn something
Ex: Learning to walk before your run
What is sequence
He believed that people develop morals before they develop emotionally
What is Kohlberg's Theory of Development
He studied the Social Cognitive Theory
Who is Albert Bandura
Training the brain to except a certain response to a stimulus
What is Ivan Pavlov's classical condition
The ability to understand something or acquire knowledge
What is cognition
The way people change and improve their ability to think and learn throughout life
What is cognitive development
He believed that people of all ages observe and imitate behaviors of others, regardless of rewards and punishments involved
What is Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory
He studied moral development
Who is Lawrence Kohlberg
Consequences lead to changes in voluntary behaviors
What is B.F. Skinner operant conditioning
What is social- emotional development
People tend to repeat behaviors that have a positive result or are reinforced
What is operant Conditioning
A theory based on the belief that individual behavior is determined by forces in the environment that are beyond their control
What is Behaviorism Theory of Learning
He studied Progressive Education
Who is John Dewey
He believed that children are social beings and develop their minds through interactions with parents, teachers, and other students
What is Vygotsky's sociocultural theory
The theory that behaviors can be associated with responses