Section 1: Regional Disagreements
Section 2: Slavery & Freedom
Section 3: The Union Breaks Apart
Section 4: The Civil War
Section 5: The Road to Union Victory

This region of the United States was negatively affected by the tariff on imported goods passed in 1828.

What is the South?


This secret network of escape routes led many runaway enslaved people to freedom in Northern states or Canada.

What is the Underground Railroad?


This Republican candidate won the Presidential election of 1860 without over 50% of the vote because Stephen Douglas and John Breckinridge split the Democratic vote.

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


The Union's plan to cut off supply lines in order to defeat the South is named after this breed of snake.

What is anaconda?


General William T. Sherman and the Union army burned this large Southern city to the ground during the infamous "March to the Sea."

What is Atlanta?


This US Congressman from Kentucky was known as "The Great Compromiser" and wrote the Missouri Compromise.

Who is Henry Clay?


This woman had once been an enslaved person and traveled the country preaching against slavery.

Who is Sojourner Truth?


Southern states began to do this about a month after Abraham Lincoln was elected President.

What is secede?

The Union army needed to take control of this river in order to cut of Confederate communication and supply lines.

What is the Mississippi River?


This battle finally gave the Union control of the Mississippi River.

What is the Battle of Vicksburg?


This man argued in court that he should be free because he had lived in free states and lost when the Supreme Court ruled that because he was an enslaved person that he did not have any rights to sue.

Who is Dred Scott?


This Congressional act made helping an enslaved person escape to freedom punishable by law.

What is the Fugitive Slave Act?


The President of the Confederacy was this former Senator from Mississippi.

Who is Jefferson Davis?


These states were those that still allowed slavery, but had not yet seceded from the Union.

What are border states?


This general and his army retreated back into Virginia after suffering huge losses at the Battle of Gettysburg.

Who is Robert E. Lee?


This US President disagreed with his own Vice President that the states had the right to refuse to follow a law passed by Congress.

Who is Andrew Jackson?


Many of these laws were passed after the Nat Turner Rebellion to try to control enslaved people even more.

What are slave codes?


Confederates laying siege and firing cannons on this Union-controlled South Carolina military compound was the official beginning of the Civil War.

What is Fort Sumter?


After the Battle of Antietam, Abraham Lincoln issued this, which set free all slaves living in states still rebelling against the Union.

What is the Emancipation Proclamation?


President Lincoln gave his most famous speech at the cemetery dedicated to Union soldiers who lost their lives at this battlefield in Pennsylvania.

Where is Gettysburg?


This Congressional act stated that when one state joined as a slave state, then the next state must join as a free state and was later repealed by the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

What is the Missouri Compromise?


The state of Virginia considered emancipation after this man led a rebellion of enslaved people.

Who is Nat Turner?


This Southern state was the first to secede from the Union.

What is South Carolina?


The general led the Confederate army to victory at the Battle of Bull Run.

Who is Stonewall Jackson?


Robert E. Lee finally surrender to Ulysses S. Grant and the Union Army at this town.

What is Appomattox Court House?