
 The new testament words for obey means “to _____"

to hear under


The term “_____ of Scripture” is a common phrase used for the accepted list of books in the Bible

Canon of Scripture


The presence of historically verifiable external evidence adds _____ to the Bible’s truthfulness.



When scholars examine manuscripts, they compare them word by word, sentence by sentence. Often differences arise, called textual ______. 

Less than __% found in the Bible matter. They do not change the core doctrine. 

Textual variants; 1%


The voices of entertainers speak authoritatively over such wide-ranging issues as abortion, the environment, and spirituality–topics about which those entertainers have rarely been educated. ______ is not the same as authority.



Is it okay to question authority? What happens when all forms of authority are rejected?

You can and sometimes should question authority, but to question and reject all forms of authority would lead to anarchy and make civil society impossible.


The ________ is composed of books written in the gap between the old and new testaments. 



The book of _____ is a place to find confirming evidence of the New Testament reliability.



How should we answer the objection “the Bible was only written by men”?

The Bible claims to be both fully human and fully divine. According to 2 Timothy 3:16, “All scripture is breathed out by God…” 

One proof of divine authorship is fulfilled prophecy. Some are so specific that humans with no knowledge of the future could not have devised them. 


God repeatedly expresses his authority over our _____ life. Truth is not determined by our feelings. Truth is not determined by what makes us comfortable.

God repeatedly expresses his authority over our emotional life. Truth is not determined by our feelings. Truth is not determined by what makes us comfortable.


What does it mean to confess “Jesus is Lord”?

To confess “Jesus is Lord” is to obey Jesus in one’s life


 On what basis does the Bible claim authority for itself?


  1. Jesus _______ his authority

  2. Jesus’s ______ of the Bible’s authority

  3. Jesus conferred authority on his _______

  1. Jesus asserted his authority

  2. Jesus’s trust of the Bible’s authority

  3. Jesus conferred authority on his disciples


The absence of _____ is not _______ of absence. 



What are the most common objections to the authority of the Bible?


  1. The Bible was only written by _____.

  2. The Bible has been _______ over time

  3. The Bible is ______; important books have been left out

  1. The Bible was only written by men.

  2. The Bible has been corrupted over time

  3. The Bible is incomplete; important books have been left out


Because God created and sustains the universe, his authority is supreme over every aspect of life. 

That means all other legitimate authorities have ______ authority– that is, what authority they possess has been given to them by God.

Derived authority 


Refusal to acknowledge God’s _____ is serious, for we are all ________ to Him. 

  • Paul quotes Isaiah 45:23 in claiming “every ___ shall bow and every ____ confess to God.”

  • Refusal to acknowledge God’s authority is serious, for we are all accountable to Him.

    • Paul quotes Isaiah 45:23 in claiming “every knee shall bow and every tongue confess to God.”


After his resurrection, Jesus issued a clear and powerful statement of conferred authority that we call the ______ ______ (Matthew 28: 18-20)

the Great Commission 


What role does external evidence play in establishing the Bible’s authority?

A lack of external evidence would not be proof of the Bible’s falsity, but an abundance of external evidence does add weight to its claim of truthfulness.


The Lost Gospels taught ________: a second century heretical Christian movement that taught the material world was created and maintained by a lesser divine being, that matter and physical body are inherently evil, and that salvation can be obtained only through an esoteric knowledge of divine reality and the self-denial of physical pleasures. 



The Bible’s authority comes strictly from God. There is nothing that escapes its authority. This includes the following:


  • Limits of reason 

  • Our understanding of _____

  • ______

  • Entertainment

  • Our ______

  • Our _______

  • Knowledge 

  • ________

  • Limits of reason 

  • Our understanding of reality

  • Culture 

  • Entertainment

  • Our senses 

  • Our emotions 

  • Knowledge 

  • Governments 


What are some assumptions Christians bring to the study of the Bible?

  • Is _______ by God and communicates heavenly principles to earthly society;

  • Is ________ because it is God himself who is the ultimate communicator;

  • Is _____ and doesn't require a highly trained expert to understand it; and 

  • Can be accurately ______ from generation to generation

  • Is authorized by God and communicates heavenly principles to earthly society;

  • Is trustworthy because it is God himself who is the ultimate communicator;

  • Is clear and doesn't require a highly trained expert to understand it; and 

  • Can be accurately transmitted from generation to generation


Jesus’s authority was not part of his office as rabbi but part of his ____as ___. 

Nature as God


What are some recent discoveries that point to the truthfulness of the Bible?

  1. Cities mentioned from Genesis through Joshua have been discovered (Ur, Shechem, Jericho, Bethel) 

  2. The tunnel Hezekiah built to bring water into Jerusalem has been found.

  3. Some of the building projects of Solomon have been unearthed at Megiddo and Gezer. 


What criteria did the Lost Gospels not meet to be included in the biblical canon? 

  1. Apostolicity 

  2. Orthodoxy

  3. Pedigree 


Trust in the authority of Scripture is not blind but based on sound reasoning. Reasons we can trust the authority of Scripture:

- Fulfilled ______

• Jesus's _______ in the Old Testament

• Jesus's authority given to those who would go on to write the New Testament

• The accuracy of biblical documents

• Historical and archeological ______ to Scripture's truthfulness

- Fulfilled prophecy

• Jesus's confidence in the Old Testament

• Jesus's authority given to those who would go on to write the New Testament

• The accuracy of biblical documents

• Historical and archeological evidence to Scripture's truthfulness