Way Back In The Day
Who Dat?
Enough is Enough!
Plebeians Gain More Rights
Miscellaneous for DOUBLE POINTS
Approximately when did Rome first try the form of government known as a republic? 1000 B.C.E.? 500 B.C.E.? 0? 500 C.E.?
500 B.C.E. (Roman patricians kicked the Etruscan king out around 509 B.C.E.)
This group's name meant "fathers of the state".
What was the plebeian struggle for more political power called?
Conflict of the Orders
What event marked the final and ultimate power/right of the plebeians?
Around 287 BCE, plebeians won the right to pass laws that applied to all Roman citizens, even patricians. This was the high point of the Roman republic's democracy.
What person is said to have led the patricians' struggle to overthrow the Etruscan king?
Lucius Junius Brutus (known as "Brutus")
What two consecutive events launched the Roman republic?
1) Roman patricians overthrew the Etruscan king, and 2) replaced him with the first Roman senate.
This group's name meant "the many"
Among the many ways in which the plebeians were oppressed by the patricians, what was one particularly bitter grievance of the plebeians?
The plebeians especially resented having to be soldiers when only the patricians could decide when to go to war and only the patricians benefitted from Rome's military victories. Also, the plebeians wanted to reach full political equality by being able to pass laws that applied to all Romans, not just other plebeians.
What is the modern day word for a document where a country's basic principles and its citizens' basic rights are written down?
a constitution
What famous Roman statesman wrote these words?: "The people's good is the highest law."
What is a republic?
A republic is a government that has elected leaders who represent the larger population.
What non-government jobs could only patricians hold? To put it another way, what non-government jobs were plebeians not allowed to hold?
In addition to being Senators, only patricians could be religious leaders such as priests and military officers. Plebeians were not allowed to be priests or military officers.
After lots of political grumblings, what tactic did the plebeians adopt that began to win them limited social rights and political power? In what two significant ways did this tactic scare the patricians in giving up some power?
They left the city, went on strike. This left the patricians without: 1) any workers or food (all work and agriculture stopped), and 2) any military defenders against possible neighboring enemies (no soldiers = no army).
T or F? Tribunes represented plebeians as well as patricians.
False. Tribunes represented only plebeians.
Name one modern country whose government is modeled after Rome's republic.
Almost any modern democracy where there are TWO LEGISLATIVE BODIES and other branches of government to BALANCE POWER so that no one person or branch gets too much power. Examples: US, England, India, France, Germany.
What class of people were represented by the senate and how many members of the senate were there?
The senate was made up of 300 elected patricians.
This group of people were shopkeepers, laborers, low ranking army soldiers, and craftspeople.
Name a few rights that were initially won by plebeians as the immediate results of their leaving the city.
1) The plebeians could elect Tribunes to speak for them to the senate and the consuls, 2) veto laws passed by the senate, 3) plebeians could elect a Council of Plebs who could make laws that applied only to plebeians.
T or F? Plebeians eventually won the right to become Roman senators.
About how many Romans lived in Rome when the plebeians left the city as a political protest? How many citizens lived in Rome at the height of its power?
between 25,000 and 40,000; nearly 1,000,000
What were the two primary social classes of citizens in early Rome? What percent of the total population did each represent?
The common people called "plebeians" made up 95% of all Romans. Wealthy landowners called "patricians" made up 5% of all Romans.
Who were Roman consuls? How many were there, what were their two main jobs?
Two consuls were elected by the Senate. Their jobs were 1) to run the daily affairs of the city and 2) run the army. They were the most powerful positions in the Roman republic.
After winning some initial rights and powers after they went on strike, plebeians also won the right to have laws written down and displayed in public on the ________ ________.
Twelve Tables
T or F? After the plebeians won some initial political rights from their strike, they still had to struggle for full political equality. After the strike, their struggle continued for about another 50 years.
False. The plebeians' struggle for full political equality lasted about another 200 years after the initial victories they won by striking.
Put these events in timeline order: A)One consul must be a plebeian B)Roman Republic begins C)Plebeians pass laws for everyone D)Romans write laws down E)Plebeians leave the city defenseless and without workers
B, E, D, A, C